I just disable it on system boot. Company hates that I’m not using OneDrive…
I’ll throw crap in SharePoint, but I also won’t use that dogshit ‘service’ either.
I don’t want people touching my reports. It’s my shit. View only.
I just disable it on system boot. Company hates that I’m not using OneDrive…
I’ll throw crap in SharePoint, but I also won’t use that dogshit ‘service’ either.
I don’t want people touching my reports. It’s my shit. View only.
Straws are for people with tiny hands and full diapers
I’m amused that a pet food company had an article explain that mustard is bad for dogs and should never be given to them.
I checked their ingredients that they use in their dogfood and mustard is on the list…
Like…what the fuk…
Toss the fork
You can break the other mug that’s stick, the weird handle isn’t in the way and the champaign glasses well, whatever. They can collect dust.
It’s like when ‘influencers’ push a certain touristy destination. That place goes from quaint and peaceful, to literal hell on earth, people destroying stuff, not paying attention, over crowded, garbage everywhere…same thing happens at the gym…people who dedicate their time to ensuring they stay healthy get pushed out by people filming themselves, people standing around talking about dumb crap, using all the machines improperly and taking up all the parking space because a group of 4 can’t carpool…fads ruin things
I disliked the new Zelda games. Didn’t like the mechanics, gameplay, and especially hated the durability of weapons. The weapons thing was Super annoying and was the reason I didn’t play anything after the first one whatever it was called.
As someone who doesn’t shop online anymore and a really goes to brick and mortar, the stock is dwindling OR you can actually sure the garbage they are trying to sell. I’ve just not bought things so many times because I can actually see the poor quality up front.
Should put a big red X on the last guy…just to shake em up a bit.
Nobody thinks it looks like a DeLorean.
Why you assume your have to be rude? They are all underpaid by the hour…you think the cashier gives a damn about answering dumb questions when they themselves ask for personal info that IS NOT REQUIRED.
Waste their time…cashiers don’t give a shit
I just search online for the stores number and use that. They can bear the burden of their own bullshit spam
Open the door and look
If your not at home, then it doesn’t matter.
They could take em, never pre-installed
I only browse new, but anything sports related gets insta banned for me.
Try sports now…
I went back to VLC media player, vlc remote control, and an HDMI cable.
Is this the same trillium I used to use to merge ICQ and MSN chats? Damn I’m old…
Like 90% of American packaged food has corn in it. I’d say yes.