I love the pillage people. They’re my favorite Nordic Black Metal band.
I love the pillage people. They’re my favorite Nordic Black Metal band.
Moldplay! Why didn’t I get there lol
My fiance:
Rot Zombie (me but it’s not really ruined so it doesn’t count)
Poundgarden got me lol
Crackers don’t matter!
-John Creighton
Yeah that thing with the lighter was never gonna do anything, but I’ll bet it sounded exciting in the commercials. I wouldn’t know, I haven’t had TV in like 8 years.
Hey aliens, leave Poland alone! Come here to America, invade us! Our current leaders are monsters and you’re our only hope for a brighter future.
NGL, getting crushed by a giant spherical boulder sounds pretty merciful to me these days.
You need to learn how to look things up for yourself. LMGTFY is a website for a reason.
I’ve been saying it for years!
I like my women like I like my pizza: hot, ready, and slathered in molten cheese.
I’m team asteroid strike. Hit me baby.
It’s what plants crave!
Not in that car. Maybe a lifted 4wd truck, because anyone who’s a big enough tool to own one of them is stupid enough to drive into a solid obstruction.
Ironically more useful; multiple firing arrays at lower power settings mean it can selectively reduce its destruction to merely glassing a planet, cracking it open, or total obliteration. I mean having a super weapon is all well and good but obliterating a planet is usually overkill.
Proof that Kanye is dumber than a 5 year old. Well, more proof, anyway.
Is it just me or does it look like a Minecraft build?
Well ya see, Al, death of the author is a thing.
I love this cat and feel his pain whenever I so much as glance at the news.
Okay as a Chicagoan I’m inclined to say that squares are better for thin crust and Detroit style (which is a rectangle), and pie slices are better for Chicago style. The trash is for New York style. HOWEVER. This does appear to be the optional cut for thin and similar crusts for equal distribution of smaller pieces than a pie cut.
Guts 'n Roses is cool though so it doesn’t count as ruined.
Gits 'n Roses or Puns 'n Roses though…