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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • If you flipped all the images in manga. All right handed characters are suddenly left handed and vice versa. Everyone is driving on the opposite side of the road. East becomes west and west is east. Anything that is spelled out that isn’t in text bubbles is now a mirror image (like a sign hanging over a shop). Most translated manga books and e readers will explain this if they don’t flip the images.

  • I worked for a grocery chain in south east America called, Publix. Every year they have a big meeting about United Way, a large organization that accepts donations to then handpick what charities the money goes to. Overall I have no problem with united way, it solves the question “what should I donate to”. What i didn’t like was that Publix handed out forms at the end of the meeting heavily suggesting how much money from each paycheck should be donated to united way. It was just a big guilt trip. They kept track of which location donated the most and proudly patted theirselves on the back. Like every other corporation we weren’t paid enough and overworked. Prices climbed higher and the CEO got richer. When I was up for promotion my manager said it would look better if I donated more money per paycheck. Why the fuck would he be able to see that? Why the fuck would that be a factor as to whether I got promoted?

  • I played WoW when it came out but I thought even then it was clear that their adverts and cutscenes weren’t trying to fool us into believing that was the gameplay. I can’t speak for StarCraft, but in WoW they were labeled as Cinematic Cutscenes. Most mobile games ads i see are made to look like gameplay, even the picture OP posted.