Yup, love SimpleX, but the web interface is really a key feature to get my contacts to migrate
Doesn’t it now require signing in with fb, google or some crap like that?
Interesting option, I’ll look into it!
Fair enough. I’m not in the US & I don’t know how things are going there, but here we also have the opportunity to use the same ID for different gvt services (or to use specific ID), but nothing is required for electronic payment (although the credit card is obviously linked to your identity), and overall I barely have to use my account on any of these services, unless I have a request which really occurs a couple times a year max.
And we can log on the website, no need to use any app, which work juste fine even with a VPN.
I mean it may be pretty well done and thus ‘safe’ (curious if said app is open source?), but it sounds like you, as an individual, are tracked for most of your activities. Is cash still a mainstream option for payment?
Also, it’s probably a costly stretch and really depends on your threat model, but could still have a phone with said app for any activity that requires it, and another one running GOS for a more private use.
Well sorry to hear that, it sounds like a special kind of hell.
WTF do you mean “gvt mandated apps” !?!
Didnkot expect that, thanks for the details.
Why not? You van set up a separate profile and install gplay services so pretty much anything would work under these conditions I assume
My bad, I saw multiple app store listed, so I assumed you listed at least a couple options.
Imo tutanota ils still better than proton since they’ve never been compromises by sharing user data with the authorities.
As for Quillpad, I never tried Joplin but Quillpad is pretty awesome, deserves more recognition. Also it’s les than 5Mo whereas Joplin is nearly 100Mo and asking for permissions like geoloc. I get that it’s open source but this sub is about privacy, and Quillpad seems more adequate on that matter.
Email : tutanota (mail.tutanota.com) Notes : quillpad (https://quillpad.github.io/) Distro : mint
You can set up multiple user profile and install the play services in only 1 profile if you want to jeep other profile more private
Thank you for mentioning it, I’ve set up encryption end currently testing matrix with element as client, we’ll see how it works out