Two posts and op hasn’t mentioned the movie lol.
Two posts and op hasn’t mentioned the movie lol.
It’s because every childrens show is an abstraction of real life relationships meant to teach lessons or just generally have cooler adventures than real life.
So yeah, of course when you have an episode where there’s a loving caring character you can say “that’s actually their mom” or the spunky side kick can actually be their sister.
Well, people are moving from what they see as an innocent funny video app to a much more obvious chinese controlled app in protest. Basically trying to call out the hypocrisy of the government banning tiktok when all these other apps exist.
Most people do not realize how much info tiktok gathered from you and which shady state governments it filtered into.
It’s funny though because the tiktok ban doesn’t target tiktok, it targets any foreign controlled app above a certain number of users. So as soon as red note gains a bunch of users it will be killed as hard as tiktok.
That’s of course unless both governments don’t enforce the law, like they both have said they aren’t going to do.
Damn I read these books as a kid, do they really get this sci-fi on them? Or is it some Scooby-Doo sort of shenanigans.
I heard a cool theory that said basically: we’re pretty well into our techno sci-fi future that we promised in scifi media and stuff. But what we didn’t expect is that the techno future reuses the same architecture and building stuff from the 1970s, the only discernable difference is that there’s a screen in every room and tech in everything and the real future is in that virtual world inside those that’s completely invisible to someone from the 1970s
Physics is basically “some guy way cooler and way nerdier than you 100 years ago did some experiments observing this law, and because of that we can use really hard math to predict the whole universe.”
41 tb?? What are you doing? Recording a lossless video of a 24/7 live stream?
Sure, my price is making enough money on my first day there to solve world hunger.
You could have 30 clips break and it would still be cheaper.
That has forever been the fallacy.
The poor won’t die in the apocalypse leaving only the rich behind. The poor will die, and the rich will be faced with the harsh reality that they needed an army of poor working under them to sustain themselves, leading them to all die within the generation.
You can’t compare how anyone feels at all. Feelings are subjective, relative, and are only able to be compared by actions (including words). Even then they are famously difficult to communicate and compare. All I’m saying is that if you’re going down that road you quickly hit the “technically we can’t compare anything” wall.
So you’re either stuck floating in apathy, being able to react to anything with “meh, we can’t really know anything.” Or you have to infer feelings based on actions and words.
Hell, I’m not even going to the mat for Luigi in particular, I just thought your response was silly. Actions alone can’t compare how people feel, but unfortunately for us actions alone are all we have to compare.
Meh, that makes your point even more invalid than mine. Anyone could do anything for any reason and there’s no real way to know anything for sure. Might as well sit in my room watching paint dry.
Evidently you don’t feel as strongly as he did to throw his privileged life away.
Yeah, he was making math.
I think they’re saying a cover letter is good. But some people’s “resumes” are more than one page with the first page being a cover letter. Almost all job apps have a separate upload for cover letters. If you’re applying in person or over email the rules are completely different.
Maybe it’s saying instead of eating yogurt just slam 1.5 lbs of tomato sauce instead?
It’s so sad that I will never celebrate Halloween again in my lifetime 😞
Works on Samsung Smart fridge proprietary browser.
I really really like Quorn (or however it’s spelled) as a chicken substitute. The flavor has to be added artificially but I think the texture is pretty satisfying and reminds me of chicken.
Cause you had the greatest internet security you could ever ask for: unmonetizability.