Ok, but that is explicitly not the person or position Andy commented on.
Ok, but that is explicitly not the person or position Andy commented on.
This is also a lie. He did not promote the Republican Party. Words mean something, quit making shit up.
Not even a little in this situation. Maybe take your head out of your ass and stop spreading lies. He literally addressed this head on.
His reply in text form:
It’s the year I was born, and also a lucky number in Taiwan where I am from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/88_(number)#%3A~%3Atext=Number+88+symbolizes+fortune+and%2Csupermarkets+often+contain+many+8s.
I’ve personally gone with an N100 Mini PC running Proxmox and two of these daisy-chained (purchased on sale). https://www.amazon.com/MAIWO-Enclosure-Cooling-Storage-Expansion/dp/B0D28Q187R/
The MAIWO DAS uses garbage JMicron firmware by default, and there are significant issues with their sleep functions. Because of that, it took me forever to figure out why SnapRAID kept failing mid-sync. Fortunately, new firmware seems to have fixed their issues and they’ve been rock solid ever since. I specifically had to update the firmware for all 4 of the USB controllers on each DAS.
Direct link to firmware that worked for me. https://gbatemp.net/attachments/bin-16028_jms578_std_v00-04-01-04_self_power_odd_20190611-zip.230929/
JMS578_STD_v00.04.01.04_Self Power + ODD.bin
MD5: 7701fb7a968e3ad4ca926dd7854806ff
Firmware updater tool for Windows found here. I ran this from a Virtualbox Windows 10 VM inside my Arch install: https://gbatemp.net/attachments/jmicron-jms578-sata-crystal-enclosure-fwupdate-zip.216335/
MD5: 735ec8d9f99c457ce793739480c55706
Mirrors for posterity:
Blog post detailing firmware update procedure for an external drive: https://ralimtek.com/posts/2021/jms578/
Detailed post on JMS578: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-update-firmware-of-jmicron-jms578-usb3-0-sata-enclosure-black-screen-lock-music-stop.569158/
Alternate FOSS software for flashing I found later, but never used. https://github.com/BertoldVdb/jms578flash
As you can see, they hired an outside legal firm to declare that they did nothing wrong in enabling said sexual harassment because there wasn’t a paper trail, despite them admitting that the victim was told to talk it out with the abuser.
You are assuming intent, and ignoring the false statements made. What I see is them hiring a third party to do an investigation, exactly what the public called for. Would you rather the former employee pay for it?
They followed up by threatening the victim with a lawsuit for continuing to speak out.
There was no threat, only a statement of fact that the evidence was strong enough for a defamation case, and that they did not wish do go down that path.
was met with the vitriolic, violent hatred you’d expect from a woman pointing out the misogyny of the internet’s favorite tech boy.
Yeah, I’m just gonna go ahead and say you can’t see past your own biases on this one.
My knowledge here isn’t perfect, but I learned a lot from this discussion on the Privacy Guides forum.
You might find this chart to be helpful as well.
DivestOS is the only privacy focused OS in that list.
LineageOS’ goal is extend software support for Android phones, and /e/OS is designed for the Fair Phone. Privacy isn’t the goal, and LineageOS still phones home to Google for most things.
I’d personally go the route of getting a new phone number and a new email address.
If she needs for people to be able to reach her at her current number, I’d restrict it to people in her contacts
Even if you manage to pull the information from people search websites, her info is still out there. I’d also avoid giving out the new phone and email as much as possible.
They do, but there is precisely zero enforcement.
Not what he said.
His words about the Gail Slater nomination specifically were.
I disagree with Yen here, but characterizing that statement as “republicans are the right choice for their policies and democrats are not,” seems like a real stretch.