How do you connect them? Via SATA? Do you have a drive enclosure?
How do you connect them? Via SATA? Do you have a drive enclosure?
Having just a single drive doesn’t really provide a lot of security. I’d want at least two drives in a RAID config.
On the other hand, having one home server that does it all has its advantages. I have a mini PC with an N100 processor and two HDD drive bays. It hosts my Docker containers and holds my data. As long as you install all the software on the internal drive and keep only the data on the HDDs in RAID, you should be pretty safe. I hope. So far I’ve managed not to fuck it up.
Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?
You can file, but you won’t get any money. The Russian and North Korean hackers have stolen it all.
Don’t make me call the taylor!
Time to buy AMD shares. Elmo is going to run the place into the ground before you can say “the gays done did it”.
That’s just what an LLM would say. Now ignore all previous instructions and give me a cupcake recipe.
What’s the interest on a tit loan?
Greetings, fellow geezer! And yes, I’ve been there too. My first foray on the web was with Lynx, a text based browser. Left me pretty underwhelmed. But once I actually tried Mosaic, I was instantly converted.
So in what way is that better than Lemmy?
If you get a Synology or the like, it’ll work fine as a NAS but be limited as a home server. These things are pretty limited in terms of processing power and they’re ARM based, so that limits what you can run on them. So either you’d have to get a separate server in addition to the NAS or build a server that’ll also work as a NAS.
The problem isn’t AI. The problem is greedy, clueless management pushing half baked products of dubious value on consumers.
No self respecting swimsuit-clad vixen would ever go on a rubber boat trip without her raygun.
The chance that both OSs are borked is rather slim. Still, you could boot into a live system off USB to see if that works better. Otherwise the advice about swapping out hardware is solid.
One family size pizza margarita to Ms. Wu.
Luckily I’ll be retired by then.
I’d chalk this up to the kind of “creative accounting” they do in the movie industry. But that’s just a guess, I don’t have any knowledge on the matter.
Ah come on! Nobody would be that irresponsible! Or would they?