Dunno why someone would set some saddles on fire, but did anyone else notice, that in the alternate version everything’s slightly different… …but the moaner?
Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
Dunno why someone would set some saddles on fire, but did anyone else notice, that in the alternate version everything’s slightly different… …but the moaner?
You can’t take our emoticons from our dead hands! ((-(-_(-_-(-_-)-_-)_-)-))
Lemmy’s Rookgaard. After 30 comments, you’re forced to register somewhere else.
Cat tax had a little different meaning back then…
In my case, fill all four with the first frame. Not an alcoholic, wasn’t party person even once in my life and sure as fuck I am not missing my yearly allowance to nuke the ever loving shit outta the sky. ^^
Nah, they were where I live. Now they are closed due to sanitary concerns or something. In old, post soviet building I lived they removed chutes and turned bottom level (where the big trash containers were) into expanded lift, so disabled people could ride all the way to ground level.
The absolute best part is…it’s USA. The moment your military gets actually slight spook, of the you know, short gasp variety…you know it because your military complex temporarily forgets limits of today’s technology and produces some sci-fi shit. And yet ya all are still able to be made to be scared of… looks into his book Mexico and…Iran…
I will, no problem. Luddites have no place today, thank you.
Heck, cashiers are still wprking where I live. One of them just gets assigned to 6 or 8 self checkouts instead of normal register.
I honestly don’t care at this point. New Ariel sucks not because they switched her to black, but because it just sucks as a whole. The only thing that’s actually kinda pissing me off is…
…could we stop swapping gingers with blacks? Please? Pretty please? Both are minority, ffs. But one is even kinda rarer than the other. Go on, switch the blondie, but leave the ginger as ginger ;-;
Nobody wants to feed the troll, simple. But eh.
So overall, yeah, 3,5/6. 0,5 for treating people part. Defo not sparta…i mean, if they vote Trump and I’ll have to update this but eh.
I am so conflicted on this. My partner, as a child, had bad case of asthma. She went to normal doctor…which almost killed her by being overzealos with antibiotics (That doc also almost killed my best friend…). Her mother, a proper believer that natural healing is the way to go, took her then to a homeopath.
And it worked.
It bloody worked. Shit backed off enough that she’s having a normal life. Granted, that homeopath also had doctorate in medicine and was long time practicing doctor, but shit.
Edit: Note to self, people dislike even actual real histories because homeopathy bad. Heh.
She switches between Gollum and pretty a lot. But I don’t mind, it honestly adds to the show.
Bullshit, it will get axed by a fanatical zewlot at first sign of denying god xD