Most of the problems in the modern world could be solved if the front line people could to each other directly.
Suits are the bottleneck.
Most of the problems in the modern world could be solved if the front line people could to each other directly.
Suits are the bottleneck.
Only the Sith deal in absolutes!
No, it’s sarcasm.
Someone talked about seeing ‘The Sting’ for the first time. They couldn’t believe that anyone in the audience didn’t know all those cons, then realized that when the movie was made, all those gags were fresh.
That’s the biggest problem with militarizing the police.
You get cops who think they are the Punisher and citizens who hate the cops on the beat.
Remember, it’s dangerous to talk to random strangers on the interwebs
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Here are a few old movies that, imho, are well worth a watch. No particular order
The Dirty Dozen
The Magnificent 7
Body Heat
The Three Musketeers [Oliver Reed]
Altered States
On the other hand, IRA assassins are much more productive than most Americans.
Why are you booing? You know it’s true!
The process by which one thing becomes a beloved icon and another fades away is always baffling to me.
Funny thing. I was working in NYC in public health on 9/11/2001. Afterwards, we got a lot of lectures on terrorism and mass casualty incidents.
Your wife might prefer The Long Kiss Goodnight. Peak Geena Davis as an amnesiac assassin teamed up with ex-cop Sam Jackson.
That’s one of the biggest problems with the internet. People think that because they’ve seen something three of four times the entire world knows about it. Probably everyone on lemmy has seen that movie, but there are plenty of people who don’t like science fiction or Arnold or action movies.
If you go by lemmy, Linux is more popular than Adele.
Here’s something we should all consider.
Back in the day, the Irish Republican Army was one of the most feared terrorist groups in the world.
At their height they only had about fifty full time assassins.
But every assassin had a massive ‘rear echelon.’
When the shooter came to town, he’d have a choice of three or four safe houses, a dozen drivers, and at least two doctors to go to if he was injured.
It’s not a joke. Wolfe is both a genius crime solver with an official license and an almost total recluse who spends all his time in his house growing orchids and enjoying the hard work of his private chef.
He has a hard working assistant who brings Wolfe people to interrogate. Archie is the one who writes the stories and finds the clues, but it’s Nero who actually solves the cases.
“The League of Frightened Men” by Rex Stout is one of the best of the series. It was originally published in 1932 and is still in print.
[off topic?]
One of my favorite fictional detectives is Nero Wolfe. In one of the stories he asks his assistant if the morgue is open all night.
One more thing…
Make an extra set of keys before you move in.
[off topic]
Liquor stores have the best boxes and the clerks hate having to break them down. Go to the local liquor store and ask them for boxes. You’ll get all you need.
Another good trick. Instead of packing delicates like plates with paper, use clean clothes. T-shirts will keep things from breaking and you cut down on the number of boxes.
And of course there’s no chance that the US power structure would be involved if the US had a systemic break down.
Blackwater/Academi and the CIA probably already have detailed plans in place. They’ll do what ex-KGB agent Putin did in Russia; let the people throw out the old leadership, then swoop in and buy up the resources for pennies on the dollar.
Thanks for helping me prove my point.
In Soviet Russia opinions value people!