Oklahoma is very much not Ontario
Oklahoma is very much not Ontario
It’s nuts to me that the incel movement was started by a woman.
I was around back when the Red Pill subreddit was first getting off the ground. It used to be quite sane, a safe space for men. Venting was allowed, but misogyny was not (in a similar way to how you put up with a woman saying “all men are trash” when she’s in the post breakup anger phase). But eventually, the tidal wave of misogynistic men overthrew the sane ones, and it became what it’s known for now.
Those are more or less synonymous.
I can tell you’ve been huffing too much philosophy because you insist on weird hair splitting like this lol
Yes, it’s a thought exercise, not a tautology. And it’s not a great thought exercise either, because people of low intellect apparently assume it’s a tautology because of how it’s worded.
No it’s not and that’s a terrible way to view the world.
Are you the same idiot who argued with me before because he thought he’d found the Word of God in this random philosophical exercise?
Edit: nope, different moron. I wonder why this silly thing is making the idiot rounds lately? It’s like when a 19 year old has their first philosophy 101 class and thinks they’ve gained supreme knowledge of how the world works.
So my initial response was “jesus fuck that’s some unnecessary hyperbole, I get your point but that’s ridiculous”
And then I realized that’s the same response I have with women who pick the bear so
I dunno
Maybe you all suck?
But also the worst of the bad ones.
But religious people aren’t always bad and that seems to get lost on here.
Reddit will ban you from some subs just for commenting in other subs, no way it’s as bad here
Lemmy is less ban happy than reddit, so I don’t mind throwing down in the comments. Do your part, fight against stupidity.
Just keep in mind most of the people repeating this stuff are teenage edgelords. Every now and then you get a true intelligent person but it’s usually just a kid going through a phase.
Just here to push https://gadgetbridge.org/
Get a smartwatch, replace the stock companion app with Gadgetbridge.
Watch talks to Gadgetbridge, Gadgetbridge talks to watch. All over Bluetooth.
Gadgetbridge has no internet access, up or down. It cannot send out any of your data. It remains sandboxed on your phone.
You can totally uninstall the stock companion app.
Yeah, this is effectively illegal in every conservative state.