I’ve got a raging clue
I’ve got a raging clue
Idk. A thing I’ve seen a couple times recently that I absolutely hate are upskirt pictures of animated children from Tv shows like Lisa Simpson. I’ve reported and blocked three communities and people now because of it. wtf is wrong with people.
Haha I must be blocking properly because I have no idea what you’re talking about my dude.
Is it mostly just one guy? Because I could save a lot of time by just blocking that person.
I do the same. The foreign language ones aren’t so bad, it’s the anime ones, especially the creepy porny ones I hate. I block them constantly, but it’s like a creepy incel hydra. Every head I cut off three more spring up in their place.
I also like blue rare steak tho so I feel this
See this is a good, coherent plan that actually prepares you and your community.
And what’s your plan exactly? Wait another four years and when the democrats move more to the right try voting for them again and see what happens?
Corruption is one of the worst offences an individual can do to society and should be life sentence minimum
Hell yeah! This also works! It’s what I generally have to do to lose weight because I fucking love high calorie high carb foods. I also love jogging though so it evens out.
Man I’m just so not interested in wasting anymore time with this stupidity. Believe what you want.
Well you shouldn’t go heavy on high fat foods either. Where did I say that you should?
Dude your anecdotal evidence from an anonymous account does not trump reality but go off buddy.
I thought you were replying to my other response, which simply stated that weight loss is mostly calories in vs calories out. High carb foods tend to have more calories. That’s all I’m saying here. You can eat carbs in moderation and live a healthy lifestyle and still lose weight. Like Jesus man, calm the fuck down hahaha
You’re putting an insane amount of words in my mouth here.
High carb foods have more calories than low carb ones by a wide margin. Which is why it works. And if it works, it is not debunked.
Obviously metabolisms can affect things. Also anecdotal evidence on a platform where you post anonymously is less than worthless. It holds about as much weight as me telling you that when I switch to low carb while keeping my portion sizes the same I lose weight.
Lol how is food quality, moderation with meat portioning, and exercise not calories in vs calories out? Guaranteed Italian portions are lighter and their food has less calories per meal.
Weight loss is literally calories in vs calories out. That’s it. Carbs generally have way more calories than foods without carbs. Low carb definitely works for weight loss, so I don’t know if I’d call that debunked.
It’s really simple. But these fad diet cultures we get sucked into have made us all crazy it feels like.
Carbs aren’t evil but if you don’t want to be overweight you have to eat carbs in moderation. It’s not that hard gang.
Psh I love playing commander. Me and 3 buddies just getting hammered and shit talking for 6 hours is great fun. I’m not a super magic purist though. I can see how if you’re into other formats the pandering to commander players would be annoying. But I’m the one being pandered to so I’m fine with it.