Who said anything about fractions? Whole numbers are easier than decimals and fractions.
And no, this isn’t just a US thing. I’m certain your country uses things like “parts per million”.
Who said anything about fractions? Whole numbers are easier than decimals and fractions.
And no, this isn’t just a US thing. I’m certain your country uses things like “parts per million”.
Because it makes the numerator whole numbers for all data for easy comparisons by human minds. Comparing 300 to 5 is easier for people than comparing 30 to 0.5. It’s the same reason machinists use inches per minute over inches per second. It’s so values are between 1 and 600 and not between 0.0176 and 10. It’s easier to reason about whole numbers than decimals.
Cry me a fucking river.
Turns out, that is how it works.
deleted by creator
Are you sure your aren’t thinking of osmotic laxatives? Miralax, for example, is polyethylene glycol.
I watched a video years ago where poor street cooks in SE Asia were “mining” cooking oil out of the sewer. They would refine it and use it to cook food.
Edit: It was China. I think I found the exact video, but it turns out there are a lot of similar videos!
Fun fact from the video: it’s estimated that 10% of cooking oil in China is “gutter oil”.
Meanwhile… decades in the past? Still doesn’t make sense.
People are still doing “Nobody:” memes? They don’t even make sense. This would be improved 100% by removing the “Nobody:” line.
My two eyes see slightly different color. Noticed this years ago when looking at a florescent ceiling light with my eyes relaxed such that I was seeing a double image. The two images of the light were a slightly different color.
I’m a dude.
It’s possible that time causes gravity.
I once came across information that said natural forces never pull
That’s absolute nonsense. Discard that thought and never repeat it again.
I’m not sure I would trust human oil hunger with a 10ft pole on that one.
I’ll fix it for you:
I’m not sure I would trust human oil hunger as far as I could throw a 10 ft pole.
What’s so great about Taylor Swift? Everyone talks about how “great” Taylor Swift is. Taylor Swift isn’t so great. She never got her picture on a bubble gum card. Have you ever seen her picture on a bubble gum card? Hmmm? How can you say someone is great who’s never had their picture on a bubble gum card?
Ewww, imagine how many people have breathed the air you’re breathing right now.
It’s not about being normal. This data is for scientists. The denomination was a deliberate choice given the various sizes of the data. It might be as low as single digits in some cases.
We use decimals all the time. We’re not dumb. But when making direct comparisons of values, it’s a simple fact that comparing 5 to 20 is easier than comparing 0.05 to 0.2. This is a scientific fact. It’s easier for your brain to parse. You can’t deny that. Go ask a psychologist. In addition, the data is cleaner. It’s easier to print “5” than “0.05”, and then you mention the denominator under the graph or table of data.
Every engineer and scientist in the US uses metric, and it doesn’t matter what the average person uses. Proper home cooks find bread recipes with metric weights for ingredients, for example. Woodworkers use feet and inches. People who use the Imperial system are just people using what they know. It’s entirely moot to this conversation. I don’t know why you keep bringing up fractions and the Imperial system as if that adds any weight to your argument about the actual topic at hand. The topic being scientists using a deliberate unit of measure to make it easy to print values and compare them at a glance.