It’s like RAAAAAAAAAIIIN on your wedding day 🎶
[/civic duty]
Enthusiastic sh.it.head
It’s like RAAAAAAAAAIIIN on your wedding day 🎶
[/civic duty]
Agreed. IMO it’s a coked-out SMB fanfic that became a movie, and I love it.
To be clear, I’m not arguing that people don’t put 88 as a clear dog whistle to white supremacists/general Nazi bullshit. This is more to the comment “who puts their birth year in their username?” bit specifically. The answer is a lot of people.
I also am not excusing Yen for his pro-Trump comments - that was fucking bullshit and I’m deeply disappointed - I’m just saying the YOB thing is a thing, but also coincidentally I also can’t seem to find a source to prove if he’s also doing the YOB thing or something else.
Note to self: Limit Lemmy to 3 beers max, particularly where Trumpian bullshit is involved. And thank god for autocorrect. Apologies, I really should not be interneting right now.
Look, I can’t comment on the significance of binary 88 in this instance with any confidence, but a lot of people use their birth year in their username.
Is it stupid? Absolutely, alongside demonstrating a total lack of any creativity whatsoever. But it’s 100% a thing.
Edit: Lol, will also note the first ‘people also search’ suggestion coming up when Googling Andy Yen is “When was Andy Yen born”, and in the 5 seconds of drunken searching I still haven’t seen a birth date.
I own my part in this, though I know if I added the amp, cables, maybe a pedal, and some guitar picks, I would have ended up with a nice collection of guitar picks.
Because my wife and kid are assholes who think they are hilarious, which I have encouraged because I am too.
Same. Very, very heavily hinted at a used bass guitar for Christmas this year. Put a harmonica on the list as a joke as I was being nagged to put more stuff on the list.
Now I own a harmonica.
What would this sound like played in aplay?
Agreed, fuck this Newspeak nonsense. People kill, die, fuck, shit, piss, go off half-cocked making asses of themselves, etc.
I’m all for censoring pejoratives that are inherently derogatory on the basis of sex, gender, nationality or racial characteristics, but I am deeply critical of shit like ‘unaliving’. I am open to someone correcting this view, but it’s something that started with large corporations afraid for their bottom line. IMO it has no place in the Fediverse.
steps off of soapbox, curious if the ban hammer cometh
It depends a ton on the person, and much more importantly how/if they integrate their experience into their day to day lives (see: great, you’ve experienced yourself as a node in a larger fabric of humanity. How are you going your act next week when the drugs have worn off and you’re back in the office? What’s your plan?)
I’d wager not a ton of people really do the work involved with that second part.
Shut up and take my investment money.
(Please note I have no investment money.)
Basic bitches: Can use their murder rock to scratch glass, I guess.
Bad bitches: Can evolve any Clefairy they come across at a moments notice.
Do you have a link to the report?
All good my friend! Was more just interesting given the context- my bets are on elites these days believing they can reign in any unrest, rather than being as interested in reining it in. Hubris and such.
Made a lot out of a very common error, just thought it was neat. :)
It’s “rein in any unrest”. I’m not pointing this out to be a grammar nazi, but because “reign in” is an interesting slip in the context of your post.
I’ve seen people say this, but haven’t actually seen it outside of one asshat who picked a fight with Beehaw a year+ ago.
As a user I’ve had a pretty great experience personally.
Thank you for your service 🫡
Fucking competence. I wish I was bumbling fool with severe Dunning-Kruger more often than I care to admit.
Ah, understood. Thanks!
Lol, fair. I’m still not well versed in inter-service ActivityPub stuff. I don’t know if you’ll see this or see any of the parent comments here on Lemmy.
Contingency plans if IA loses the appeal about the library stuff, or in general has something happen that puts IA’s collections at risk of being lost. Any thoughts on the matter? Also cool if it’s not something you want to talk about, I know you don’t speak for the whole org.
How do we archive the archive?
The whole ‘death of the author’ thing is my preferred brand of copium for this.
Writing talent is not reserved for people who aren’t complete shitbags - it’s just that often, shitbags write to their shitbag interests and that comes over clearly in the work or with very basic analysis. Sometimes they don’t. It’s best to consider the work on its own merits without too much emphasis on authorial intent, as much as is possible.
Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow were the very first things that popped to mind when I heard this phrase. It’s the kind of thing that makes me say “Don’t avoid reading if you want to, but maybe avoid buying new printings and opt for second-hand/library copies instead”.