If 5 nuggets are a serving, they must be suuuuper bad for you. Because per their $5 meal deal, that means 1 nugget taken away let’s you also have a small fries, double cheeseburger, and a drink with 4 nuggets.
If 5 nuggets are a serving, they must be suuuuper bad for you. Because per their $5 meal deal, that means 1 nugget taken away let’s you also have a small fries, double cheeseburger, and a drink with 4 nuggets.
Which is why on a 30 year home loan, even adding an extra $150 a month to paying your principal down will literally shave a decades worth of payments off.
It’s not a 100% guarantee, but it’s a 93% to 97% garantee, and even if you are one of the unlucky 1 in 20 that was vaccinated and still gets it, it’s a much less severe case, and you’re much less likely to spread it.
So it’s real close to being a guarantee. It’s a highly effective vaccine.
I had an s2000. My redline was about 9000 rpm and the gauge cluster was lit up orange, but lit up in such a way that it didn’t really look like it was back-lit. It was an amazing gauge cluster.
I had a 97 prelude sh 5 speed. Great Lil car and a lot of fun to drive. But then I got my hands on an 02 s2000. Funnest car to drive I’ve ever owned.
I’m guessing this is a reference, but im not putting 2 and 2 together.
This is part of why I’m a pro gun leftist.
If I sell a million dollars of stock and pay $400k in taxes, I have $600k. If I give away $1,000,000 in unrealized gains I get either nothing, or I can do a tax write off and maybe save like $200k in taxes. Either way I’ll have less than the $600k I would have had. At best it’s a workaround to give several other people working for the “charity” money, but at that point why not just put those people on my own payroll and give them the $600k?
Then they didn’t actually give the money away, and they still aren’t saving or making more money themselves by doing that.
I think the original got re-touched up more recently, too. So you’ll probably have a hard time finding the theatrical release cgi version to even watch.
Signing the pledge doesn’t duck you out of any taxes. Also, giv8ng money away can lower taxes you pay, but it doesn’t lower them as much as the amount of money you gave away. Not how it works.
" He is getting mugged!
-Well, let’s hope we don’t cover him."
I guess I’m “this old”? I remember watching the Berlin wall get smashed on TV, and the collapse of the soviet Union a year or two later. I was a Lil kid in the U.S, so both events meant fuck all to me. I was busy being awesome in my MC Hammer parachute pants.
Like your kitchen scale is accurate enough to weigh out a teaspoons worth of baking powder accurately.
Anyone who learns to bake knows that’s silly. You don’t need to try and weigh out a teaspoon of vanilla or that 1/4 cup of sugar weighs exactly X amount.
Did you make that up yourself, or did someone else actually get you to fall for that? Testing bread flour has nothing to do with the creation of the cookie.
Lol. Dude, you’re laughably wrong about this. Omg, I could just imagine trying to get lava cake out to the second or it being no good. Not even talking about how much temp, elevation, and humidity effect things to make “perfect recipes” non existent.
Also, “oh no. Your nutmeg is now 6 weeks old. You’ll have to add an extra 0.9% of it to your recipe”
Cupcakes aren’t like making Walter Whites blue meth, Hun.
That’s more an issue of its too hard for you to learn, then. Also, for cooking, that’s great that 1ml of water weighs 1mg. Why does that help with cooking? All the weights of everything else will be different from that. It’s much quicker and easier to use a measuring cups to get half a cup of flour than it is to get a scale and weigh out 60 grams.
It’s not chemistry as much as chemistry is chemistry.
Like 1/4 cup of sugar being like 2% off isn’t going to matter.
Then you want to weigh out your teaspoon of baking powder? I guess you’ll need a small scale made for such tiny amounts to go along with your larger one. Hope you like cooking taking longer with more little things to clean.
Doing it all by weight is a waste of time and something no one with a real amount of experience cooking would bother with. Where your butter comes from is more important than how much of a weight difference can be from measuring out 3 tablespoons of it compared to weighing it out.
I use windscribe and I never really have issues.