No matter what they wish for, no matter how far they go, people can never be anything but themselves. That’s all.
No, I’m summarizing their post where they make it obvious the trip is more important than the cat, thus Trip > Cat
You don’t understand what I’m saying at all.
You need to understand your exposure, and who your adversary is. Is it big corps? Hackers? Oppressive governments? NSAs?
What I’m saying is if you’re trying to hide stuff from the last two, you shouldn’t have anything encryptable that they can get to. Keeping that information digitally and not clandestinely is not good.
If you’re trying to not get tracked online by Google that’s an entirely different approach.
Summarized TL;DR:
Trip > Cat
Sometimes you gotta cancel to be a good human. I’ve done it before.
Where did I ask that?
My friend, everything you don’t understand is not bootlicking. Grow up. I’m an anarcho-communist.
The deal is they kill you, you are not that valuable to them in the end. If you are, you wind up at a black site with some guy who’s not in the military.
100%. Is there a Hail Corporate Lenny instance?
If the US wants your info they’ll just beat your ass half to death with a rubber hose.
Just fire up a VPN
lmao no government does
Will def check it out! Thanks!
Does anyone know of an American one?
Similar to Locatarr?
It’s a YouTube front end.
Sounds like a bad firewall rule somewhere.
I highly recommend Haruki Murakami’s “Underground”, which is a non-fiction work where he compiles stories from the survivors and those who responded.
I remember it happening and learning about it, but I didn’t fully understand Aum or japans culture.
Agree, they’re making all the wrong moves lately
Jellyfin is nowhere near the better option, it’s just a not-terrible dev.
Plex is refined and easy to get external users not familiar with tech up and running. Plex looks better. Plex transcodes better.
No hate for Jellyfin, just calling it how I see it.
References to The Dark Tower or Murakami characters.