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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • /./ would apply to the current directory, and /../ would move into the parent directory. I imagine the idea is to start in a deeply nested directory, /home/user/Documents/old and begin either maintaining the directory (in a sense doing something like ‘–0’ or reverting to a more basal directory (alla ‘–1’). The branch moving into ~/Music/badSongs is probably a way of trying to disguise the intent of parsing /.././.././.././.. to root and then /* to glob all root directories.

    I imagine if for some reason ChatGPT was running Zsh or something that supports that kind of augmented Bash syntax it would work, but realistically it likely would fail.

    I think someone might have better luck by attempting to rm - rf --no-preserve-root with a series of random, less-necessary files and throw a /* in the mix. Or attack another important directory that might get overlooked like /proc/*

  • I have a side business restoring antique cast iron pans and I use them for most of my cooking. I cook whatever the fuck I want in them, I leave the pan dirty on the stove a couple days sometimes when I’m busy, I use a scotch brite and scrub them clean with dish detergent, it really doesn’t matter.

    Go get a shitty Walmart pan and complain that CI is too hard to work with, it’s ridiculous. My CHF #8 is an amazing piece of hardware

  • If you’re using the book correctly, you couldn’t say the same thing. Using a flora book to identify a plant requires learning about morphology and by having that alone you’re already significantly closer to accurately identifying most things. If a dichotomous key tells you that the terminating leaflet is sessile vs. not sessile, and you’re actually looking at that on the physical plant, your quality of observation is so much better than just photographing a plant and throwing it up on inaturalist