Given it seems to be a single guy doing his thing I don’t expect them to get bought out.
It’s a great service and incredibly cheap. With advanced pricing I’m only paying ~0,40€ per month. My domain + purelymail is less than I’d pay for other providers email only.
Edit: If Amazon increases their prices they’ll have to pass it on, but those should be pretty consistent. If you use your own domain (or an alias service) switching email providers is simple anyway.
Matrix won’t necessarily download all state/messages automatically, but if your client requests a non-available message your matrix server will query other matrix servers for it (backfilling).
E.g. if you scroll up to older messages, it might take a a few seconds but your client should eventually show them.
Matrix server use a back-off for servers sending messages, so if your server is offline for many hours, it might take a day for your servers to get messages pushed to by other servers again.