I actually enjoy not having a strong algorithm here. This way I can spend as little as possible on my only social media app that I use.
Reddit Refugee
I actually enjoy not having a strong algorithm here. This way I can spend as little as possible on my only social media app that I use.
The first link refers to a study that only researched veggies and fruits.
If you seach for “what food has the most microplstics” the answer is still meat (fish to be exact). Downvoting doesn’t change reality.
Most of it is in meat and we can survive without eating meat.
Since they decided you need to pay to use the website, everybody left. A few dedicated users went to the alternatives such as trustroots or warm showers but most people vanished.
Me: 4,6 seconds to make an avarage breath cycle. About 4000 steps on an avarage day.
After 1 year I would get ~343.000 €/$ for breathing or 365.000 €/$ for walking.
So yes it is better to get the money for walking but what if I ever lose the ability to walk but not to breath?