Isn’t the whole point of owning a BMW or an Audi to show that you actually are superior to everybody else? That’s why I hope to own a BMW one day.
Isn’t the whole point of owning a BMW or an Audi to show that you actually are superior to everybody else? That’s why I hope to own a BMW one day.
I need to assert my superiority over other people :(
Oh, that’s nothing. Your ears are now ringing.
Mullvad because, much like going raw, VPN’s are used for special occasions.
Not necessarily the best idea. My representative went on national television accusing bots of spamming her email, even though every single one of those probably was a person using some template that was provided. Those forms go straight into trash unfortunately. Best to use them as a guideline and write your personal concerns instead.
Alternatively, ChatGPT. No idea if it works, though.
I just hate being told what (not) to do. If there is a solution to the problem, fucking let me solve it. I don’t need anyone’s permission or be told to deal with it just like every other schmuck.
I feel like my intelligence is being personally insulted. Any company deciding that I shouldn’t try to repair my phone, which is my property, because they believe I am too retarded to fix it, can suck a dick.
Can a human tongue discern the taste of a TCP packet compared to an UDP packet?