It looks like the author mostly writes kid’s books.
And anyone who has eye issues. My text size isn’t cranked up because I’m great at reading a bunch of squiggly shit, and if I saw more than one sentence of that I’d just not read it.
Not us 🫶 I enjoy the Beehaw communities I subscribe to
Oh well if you put it that way I guess it’s knitting
People say this every time, and it’s still not true, because the Romans didn’t knit. Knitting is a technology and it hadn’t made it to Rome at the time these were made.
Also, some were solid and unsuitable for knitting. And they were found with giant piles of money, which is a weird place to keep your domestic tools.
Telling myself that this is metaphorical and not some boomer taken in by the AI images of the Hollywood sign burning to keep myself from going on an unhinged rant about the exact location of Hollywood, the Hollywood sign, and the fires.
According to OP’s previous comments the dev of this has spent 600k of their own money on this. If that claim is legitimate then feel free to draw your own conclusions about why someone with 600k to burn would spend it on an NFT crypto reddit, but without images.
I dunno, adding gingerbread yous as a party favor to your funeral sounds absolutely fantastic. Every funeral I’ve been to would have been improved by gingerbread people of whoever died.
Antarctica is severely underrepresented in the Olympics. Not a single medal.
If he had killed him it wouldn’t have been a children’s movie, lol
while having only little environmental impact
If they’re properly maintained… fucking PG&E!
I assume the algorithm decides a random word in a short sentence matches another language more than English, but which one was it in this I wonder?? Maybe kombat? Surely mortal and voice would register as English words. It is a mystery!
Sorry I can’t read this post, it’s in Haitian Creole 😔
It’s free at my local library because it’s new. Their cost plan for when they start charging is free for the first 3 hours of printing and then a max of $10 for a 10 hour print.
Be sure to see if your local library or community center has hobby stuff to check out or cheap classes! YMMV depending on how well funded they are, but it’s becoming really common to have a 3D printer, specialty baking pans, tools, etc.
Tineye had zero results if I crop out the meme part, and Google lens isn’t seeming to find any exact matches either. Vibes based I’d say southern Appalachians, which is a lot of what’s showing up on Google lens as well.
You don’t know what I’m willing to wear on the street, Swedish tax laws!
That’s understandable, it’s definitely not on the level of like a racial slur or anything. But if my niece or nephew blurted that out about someone I’d want to put a stop to it pretty quickly, you know?
And oh my god, that story about the kid is hilarious and adorable!