I question that because I remembered reading articles that had discussions with the photographer from the before times. Alas, the internet is dead and every search result for Eugeny Hramenkov is either copy/pasted AI mouth gargle or articles talking about how “Elon Musk used the meme!!” (fucking christ I wouldn’t put it past the dude that all these sites are his own promotional shit). It’s so completely sad to have had the internet information age for just a small hopeful glimpse before it all came completely crumbling down.
I"m horrible with names of programs and mess with a lot of junk comps switching out OS’s and just tinkering around so I’m always using crazy utility programs. BalenaEtcher is used in a lot of tutorials or guides for installations, I think recently both Elementary OS and even Ubuntu had instructions pointing towards BalenaEtcher.
I never thought it was a great program, it was finicky to use and errors out quickly multiple times. Looking back I saw the signs, weird new program being promoted above other “well established” burn programs, ads, and now scrolling down their webpage it’s just a bunch of promotional subscription bullshit. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit looking at the “balenacloud” and “balenasense”, like if they’re collecting your data through etcher then all of that shit is probably compromised. Another fucking google wannabe corp.