I found that any video I try to upload longer than about 17 seconds fails while anything shorter works.
Yup. I’m Bo7a.
I found that any video I try to upload longer than about 17 seconds fails while anything shorter works.
That is deodorant antiperspirant actually prevents you from sweating in the first place
With consent, and with cells from someone I know/love - Sure!
Grown from my own cells? Fuck yes.
I also have severe malabsorption and can’t process most veg at all. I have been told hundreds of times that I am lying, and that I don’t need to eat meat. To some of these people it is better for us to suffer than to eat meat, while they claim to subscribe to a philosophy of reducing suffering.
We’ve been married 15 years. If we use a first name to address each other it usually means we are out in public and trying to find one another. And that is only because if I shout ‘QD(cutie)’ 5 women will turn around thinking it is their SO so it isn’t super useful.
If you bugged our house you would think my wife’s name is Dear, QD, Darling, Beautiful, or “HOLY SHIT CHECK THIS OUT”. There is almost no chance you’d catch either of our real names on that tape.
In which way am I complaining? I am explaining why calling a valid solution a bandaid might be construed as belittling their very real knowledge of this process. And how that is a regular pattern in a lot technical fields.
And don’t give me this shit about ‘I’m not the person you were talking to’ This is an open forum not a direct/private message.
You can’t expect people who are knowledgeable about this stuff to just forever accept that someone asks for advice, gets told the solution, and then ignores/belittles the person with knowledge.
This is our daily life experience. We get hired to be experts, and get told by non-experts that our solutions are not tenable every single day. Only for that solution to eventually be accepted when the user in question figures out their idea was not useful and the expert was correct.
We have to put up with it at work, we are not obliged to accept it here.
My brain which was forced to wake up every 3 hours to be sure my infra didn’t freeze at -32C last night disagrees with you.
Fuck winter.