That actually sounds like a good idea. Off-brand memes that are similar but definitely… Different.
That actually sounds like a good idea. Off-brand memes that are similar but definitely… Different.
I always thought it was funny that in Sailor Moon, the bad guy would always wait for them to transform.
As someone who works for a major healthcare company - they hire doctors so they can claim to have legitimacy in denying claims. If their doctors say that something is “unnecessary” or there is an alternative, it’s better for legal purposes than just any old person saying it. Even though we all know those doctors aren’t the ones in charge and are most likely pushed by the people above to make certain decisions.
I used to think this was true while working for a B2B company as a graphic designer. Everything just seemed pointless like I wasn’t contributing anything meaningful to the world. But I do think that art in its many forms contributes meaningfully to culture in general and can also be quite powerful when used well. History of graphic design shows just how influential designs were in Nazi Germany and how similar techniques are still used today. Then there is the matter of UI design and how it’s increasingly become essential today. While most applications it’s fine to have a frustrating piece of garbage, UI is rather important for things like medical systems, car displays, and other areas where getting it wrong could mean life or death. Unfortunately my job is still pretty useless to society regardless of these points made. I’ll go back to my corner now.
I used slack for about 4 years and it was the best. Had everything you could ever want for that sort of thing. As a graphic designer, I took pride in creating hilarious representations of my team mates as emojis for all to share. Then I changed jobs and started using Teams. It’s like… Why even bother? Let’s just go back to physical letters and phone calls while we’re at it. Except, that would be more reliable.
I desire… Macaroni pictures!
Did people not know this? They sit right next to each other on the shelf. I’ve found that typically when a cheap liquor is very obnoxiously colored, it’s going to be made with food dye, vs a product that’s more expensive will use specific tricks in the industry to get the color right. A good example is Empress Gin. The color comes from pea flowers and will even change color when you add acid. And even though it’s very bright in color, it’s still nowhere near as electric blue as blue curacao.
So is the term “grounded” and I genuinely wonder what parents used to say to their misbehaved children before airplane terminology was commonplace.
Anyone here see The Substance? “That bitch is stealing time from me!!!”
This is why I started making a lot of my own things. There are lots of options in the store for some items where you can get something without sugar that didn’t need it. But then there’s things like mayonnaise… Let me tell you that mayonnaise doesn’t need any sugar and most brands that don’t have sugar are like $11 for an 8oz jar. So I started making it myself at home. I also started making bread which later turned into a hobby, but now I can’t eat the store bread because it’s too sweet. I even make my own jam now and I know what you’re gonna say “but jam is like… mostly sugar”, but I’ll have you know that jam tastes WAY better with half the sugar that it’s typically made with. It’s an art form to get it thick without adding more sugar, but it’s worth it. Looking back, I know most people can’t make all this shit and it’s really sad that people can’t buy things with less sugar at the store without paying an arm and a leg. It really says a lot about our society that this is true.
It’s more for programming when to brew coffee in the morning than for telling time. Then you can wake up and get coffee without having to think about it. Not that it’s hard, but I’m sure removing that one little task makes many people’s mornings a lot easier.
Something something in nineteen-ninety eight…
I declare BANKRUPTCY!!!
Sounds good
That’s a whole green olive… But still.
And that’s why, as a Midwesterner, I proudly put black olives on my tacos. And it’s tastes pretty damn great!
I’ve been thoroughly enjoying these memes. They remind me a lot of when shittymorph would get you with the undertaker bit. Except now I’ll be looking at cool science charts that are genuinely interesting only to find someone snuck in a sneaky Saddam.
I’ve had a different but similar issue. I have a VPN I log into so I can remotely access my work computer. If the VPN is on, YouTube won’t show me specific content that I know is usually there. It doesn’t tell me I can’t watch anything or tell me to turn it off, but some content is just missing 🤷