Right? When any service offers to ‘store your data’ or ‘remember your history’ it’s cause for concern.
Right? When any service offers to ‘store your data’ or ‘remember your history’ it’s cause for concern.
Playing with children can be pretty exhausting. My daughter loved her Lego pirate ship set and had me narrating the lives of ten swashbuckling sailors on the high seas every day. I needed to be on top form or she would catch my day to day continuity errors 😅
What about the moose knuckle?
I also wear a hardhat to write software.
An extinct civilisation called Heetzah Putt, rumoured to be near the lost city of Atlantis.
Wehrmacht was not a Nazi organisation. Members were free to join the party but they were not under any obligation. The SS was an explicitly Nazi army but completely separate from the Wehrmacht.
German people were compelled to ‘support the troops’ in the same way that Americans are compelled to support their many illegal invasions of sovereign territory. The British continue to build and operate colonial era warships. The main difference is they were on the winning side, lmao, etc.
The silk road wasn’t taken down by an acronym. It was a bunch of hypocritical bigots called the American bureaucracy. They talk a lot about freedom but when they see something that promotes freedom like Wikileaks, south American socialism or the silk road, they seek to shut it down, often violently.
The people who believe that war criminals such as George Bush and Dick Cheney should be walking free and people like Julian Assange and Ross Ulbricht should be locked up, these people are our enemy.
Why didn’t the ACLU defend Ross Ulbricht? What about all the whistleblowers that have been imprisoned lately? Seems like there are better candidates than this guy.
And yet we hear the argument that when it comes to cycle lanes the opposite is true, the more you add the less they are used.
Magic Feral Submariners will take over the world one day.