This time microsoft’s gone too far, internet explorer can’t post memes!
This time microsoft’s gone too far, internet explorer can’t post memes!
Thank fuck I didn’t get that subscription, I was looking into getting a secure mail service. I engaged with people calling proton a CIA honeypot, investigating what was up with the rumors and I was about to jump into bed with proton.
You forgot the phase immediately preceding AI: 3d prints.
I mean, in this decade, I’ve heard of car and airplanes being marketed as having 3d printed parts.
On cold winter days, we can average 6kW over 24h, but peak is more like 10 I’d 13. Not talking just about my space heaters with embedded computing power and TBs of storage, but the whole household.
Wow, the US education system must be improved.
I pay my electric bill by the kWh too, and I don’t live in the US. When it comes to household and EV energy consumption, kWh is the unit of choice.
1J is 3600Wh.
No, if you’re going to lecture people on this, at least be right about facts. 1W is 1J/s. So multiply by an hour and you get 1Wh = 3600J
That’s literraly the same thing,
It’s not literally the same thing. The two units are linearly proportional to each other, but they’re not the same. If they were the same, then this discussion would be rather silly.
but the name is less confusing because people tend to confuse W and Wh
Finally, something I can agree with. But that’s only because physics is so undervalued in most educational systems.
Had a similar phone, my gameboy was a couple of gens older, and I never played pokemon… But I remember when my friends got their ps2s and I listened to both albums on my commute yesterday… Wtf happened? 2005 was yesterday!
Where’s the mini-skirt made of snake skin? And who’s the other guy that’s singing in Van Halen? When did reality become TV? Whatever happened to sitcoms, game shows (on the radio?)
Really fucked up thing is, that song came out in 2004, and is about a woman remembering 1985, like we’re remembering 2005… It’s already been a year more for us than her.
OK McDonald’s, I will not use your most cost effective ordering method. I guess I will just have to order my 10 individually custom cheeseburgers at the counter instead. I might have to have e the order read back, and change my mind about a few burgers.
Well, it’s in large part dihydrogen monoxide. But it’s less DHMO than the low sodium variant. So you’ve got to decide, do you want sodium chloride or dihydrogen monoxide?
proton is literally cia. they are modern cryptoAG
[citation needed]
I’m not saying that it’s BS. I’m asking as someone who’s on the brink of dropping 300€ on a year of “proton family”. I’d like more than an unsubstantiated “they’re crap” claim before making my decision.
Also he’s doing 270 going into a stretch limited to 120. IDK what German traffic laws are like, but the image I have of Germany is that you guys have even harsher punishments than us in Denmark. If you did 270 in a 120 in DK, you’d get a 2000€ fine (15000DKK), as well losing both your license and your car. You might even get jail time.
What’s even worse is that as a foreigner (maybe not a Schengen citizen, but definitely Americans) we don’t trust you to pay the fine, so you’d be detained until you get the money. I’ve seen policeshows where foreigners are even driven to ATMs, and it seems a bit like extortion.
That’s the next step: drop all encrypted traffic.
I here I initially only had an issue with the phrasing “Each missile […] per missile”.
That’s frigging crazy as well as awesome. Last I went looking was probably like 15 or 20 years ago. And back then I didn’t learn about Harmy. Thanks for letting me know. I really believed that the laserdisc version was the only way to get rid of the crap Lucas added when he discovered Adderall and cgi in the late 90s.
As a stand up law abiding citizen I will of course refrain from seeking out these unlicensed materials ;)
one of the many sources of de-specialized Star Wars
What are the others? I mean besides VHS? I was under the impression that the laserdisc rip was the only decent quality release of the original trilogy.
if you can still read after trying to parse that title
I’m still trying to restore normal operations, at the moment the people around are deciding on how to deal with my core dump…
Same in DK, and my comment was meant to underline that. If you see a drone and no operator is around, then something is definitely wrong.
I mean, years ago, I had a DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ drift away, on account of my own inexperience and stupidity. This was right when it had just come out, and way before drone licenses and laws forbidding drone flights in populated areas. So no laws were broken; and it was done with no malicious intent… But these days?
Not even the DK police, who have some very well-trained drone operators, can fly their drones out of sight.
Seeing a drone with no operator once? Something might have gone wrong, let’s not judge too harshly, but seeing a drone with no operator regularly? On your property? If you have a hunting permit, a shotgun, and a clear shot, then it might be a good time to practice your anti air skills.
Addendum: drone licenses and permits doesn’t allow you to fly over private property or main roads.
Since op didn’t mention seeing a pilot, I’d suspect that the drones are flown out of sight. So asking them to stop can be difficult. Of course asking nicely, by downing a drone, might get the message across.
I wonder if I could shoot down drones here in Denmark as well.
Why is Daria in the background?