taco bell definitely has one of the widest ranges in quality. one near my house is fucking awful and never gets the substitutions right, but the one 20 minutes away is great
taco bell definitely has one of the widest ranges in quality. one near my house is fucking awful and never gets the substitutions right, but the one 20 minutes away is great
before snowden is was a conspiracy theory that the government is always listening to you
most people quit before the month even ends and then they never cancel their membership
i think assball sounds funnier
apparently its short for association football
id judge more for the death grips tbh
i really highly doubt minnesota would ever be red. not even when reagen (was it him?) won every single state. except minnesota
for your last point, fallout 3 was originally going to be set like 20 years after the bombs dropped, but they switched it to 200 years somewhere down the line in devlopment
the 20 year thing makes much more sense in some areas, like the lady in arefu who is pretending the world didnt end
it gets better once you have full control of the whip, i think that happens in super castlevania 4
juat wait til you get to simons quest, which is the game that pretty much created the gamer review format when AVGN uploaded his review in 2004
aaand down it with beeeeeerrrr
new challenge, get your name on every bathroom vape moniter in 1 day
just one more set bro i swear its the last set just one more and im done