That won’t suffice. Wash your faces and wash your sheets, people.
That won’t suffice. Wash your faces and wash your sheets, people.
Yes they can. It’s their job. But sharing that sentiment with them can be a good first step. And they should certainly be able to handle that.
But now it’s the only one that doesn’t look nicely polished, unlike the other knobs. 😁
Heathcliff is a smart guy for keeping his window closed.
And it gets gifts for exam season. Go Terps!
FYI the “.ML” does not stand for Millesian Liberalism.
MFW He wants me to be with Him in His heavenly kingdom.
F zodica sounds like a disease. 😅
Wow, Eugene Cernan really should have dedicated that moment to Lucretius instead of Galileo.
Hunting is also killing. Don’t get me wrong, among the various ways of killing animals for food it is probably the most ethical. But still.
I say this because I’ve always resented the particularly odious false equivalence that cars also kill people so if we ban machine guns wE sHoULd aLsO bAN cARs.
No. One is purpose built to maim and kill people and the other most certainly isn’t.