Lol, it’s 20x easier when you’re looking at a dump from nmap.
Lol, it’s 20x easier when you’re looking at a dump from nmap.
Can I make my Linux Minecraft talk to my Xbox Minecraft?
No-one said they had to be easily read for humans.
I’ll listen, then I can seem knowledgeable af when it gets mentioned on a call 3 days before it happens and everyone else is freaking out.
Time I can deal with, timezones however, fuck that shit all to hell.
😂 are you consuming market data for the entirety of North America?
Been a few years since I looked, but HP’s DL line used to be reasonably affordable.
Feddit.uk admins are pretty sound fwiw.
A Polish colleague of mine once accidentally picked Czech in an online work training exercise and then spent the next 30 minutes giggling to himself. I asked him afterwards what was up “Czech sounds like baby talk”
I definitely went through the same thought process!
That’s a baby getting fed! 😂
How extensive was the medical training really?
Now they get the Brits and Aussies to do it and give them the reports.
Lol, my server goes by “nas”