Full body workout, yes, but also a really good stretch when you want to let the other guy have his fun.
Full body workout, yes, but also a really good stretch when you want to let the other guy have his fun.
I’ve heard plenty of the usual stereotypes passed along by americans. When it comes right down to it, most people are happy to repeat what they’ve heard about any ‘others.’ It really takes someone special to fight against that by trying to not have ‘others’ in their life (i.e. by accepting all as their in-group).
If you really want to get into the weeds, you get one half of your chromosomes from your mother, and one half from your father (most of the time, oh boy!), which should start the train rolling on the 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16… BUT there is a chance for crossover events, where the chromosomes can, well, cross over each other and exchange parts of themselves. So your dad should be passing on 1/4 of your genes from his mother, and 1/4 of your genes from his father (and even that isn’t 100% true, the only certain one would be if you’re a male, you’re going to get your grandfather’s Y gene, you could get 23 of your grandmother’s chromosomes and none from your grandfather), but he might pass on 52/106 of your grandmother’s genes (not chromosomes, to those of you counting along at home… and I’m not saying you only have 106 genes, good lord) to you, and 54/106 of your grandfather’s genes.
And that’s just getting started on genetic funkiness.
I used to have problems with clumps. I still do, but I used to as well.
For the most part I now make things in batches. Hot chocolate, tea, whatever. With big batches I can use the mixing bowl and use the immersion blender. Nothing stays clumpy when you have a blade whizzing around at 3000+ rpm.
Equations. When we model things with equations, sometimes they don’t have a ‘solution’ at a particular place, unless we use the formal math rules of ‘imaginary’ numbers like i. Someone else in the comments mentioned electric conductance/resistance in circuits as an example.
I think observing a crime like that but not reporting it (so more crimes can be amassed by that person) should be considered legal endorsement of the activity.
That’s how it works in civil law, showing that criminal law can be beyond fucked up. I can’t remember the name of the principle, but you can’t make or simply wait for the other party’s grievance to tally up so you can sue for more money.
Congratulations on your hearing damage making things seem quiet? I’ve had somewhat fewer rounds, maybe 100k-200k, and 9mm is still deafeningly loud. I’m betting it’s because I wore hearing protection for most of it…
For god’s sakes, a simple internet search immediately shows the lack of evidence for 9mm being quiet.