Emporer Kuzko is the best Disney Princess.
Emporer Kuzko is the best Disney Princess.
Dont worry, if you put propoganda of opposite polarity together they cancel eachother out. /s
This is the reason I imported a Fairphone 4 to the US (before they got a US vendor… Would not recommend it unless you want to work on your phone instead of having it just work (they are fine now, there is proper support, I just have the old hardware). Im functionally locked to T-mobile, it has very unusual issues when Im on a call while moving and it was a bit pricy for what you get. But all that was worth it to be able to say I have a smartphone where noone died while making it.
Yes, but im already using the computer for other things and it would be more inefficient to double up on heating sources. I can confirm from personal expirence a PC in a small room can sufficently act as climate control.
I use the GPD pocket and its magical when flying to roll up with a laptop on a plane with a 9-inch screen. My model even has an i7 in it so it can handle some games. Only major complaints is that I had some issues getting the screen to play nice with wayland (Ive since fixed it, it was just effort) and its keyboard is an ergonimic train wreck.
Note for Obsidian, there is a git plugin that can auto-push/pull from a repo. I put my repo on a server and have multiple devices use it as a sync feature (there is also a VPN to my home network involved). Not sure how well it works on the android app (its pure lazyness as to why I haven’t tried that yet…)
Darth Vader is too cool for that shit, your probably going to be more of a Dark Helmet.
My last expirence with XMPP is very dated, my old groups in EvE online used it and it was perfect for its role as a sort of internet pager to summon the horde of nerds. Im aware there are many new related projects, discounting it seems a bit premature now, if you have any recomendations I would love to read their docs.
My concern is that I would have to pitch what ever project we landed on to a semi-technical group of gamers with a handful of admins to run things. (Trying to avoid a platform that gen-z would complain about, and they already roll their eyes at me when I mention spaceships and spreadsheets).
The meme has a fair point, but its not my gripe with the insurance industry. Im of the opinion that the managers for collective risk products should not be for-profit organizations.
In the US, if a hypothetical agency or one of those weird orgs like the postal service ran national insurance they would not be as profit driven and their proximity to other governennt bodies would push much needed regulations forward.
OP is right though, there are parts of the world where self defense is not as clear cut. The question you need to follow up with is “is this self defense against nature or people?”.
For example, there are places in the far north where polar bears are a problem, I doubt anyone other than Greenpeace would not have a problem with you shooting an animal attacking you. Its tragic, but by that point its not really avoidable.
The issue most of us have is the “defense against people” where lines get drawn, the problem is how inconsistent that line is. Im in the camp where survival is fine, and sport is conditionally ok, but outside that there are no ethical reasons to persue gun ownership, but others will say collections, historic preservation, or self defense are valid reasons. Culture has a lot to do with it, some places handle it well, like Switzerland, but the elephant in the room is America and their, I would argue very unhealthy, relationship with guns.