I have to pirate it just the same because it will play on my TV, but not with the surround sound -_-
I have to pirate it just the same because it will play on my TV, but not with the surround sound -_-
I’m neutral evil
The walking dead is bad, like really bad.
Queen is really good in small doses !
It might be that , since it used to work with W7, that UEFI is not implemented (or at least not default).
If that is the case, try to install Ubuntu on your drive using rufus or ventoy. Iirc, at least one of them has a support for legacy booting.
Then comes the hard part : I’m not sure that GRUB will install itself in legacy mode. You have to try to know…
It’s bad tho
I recommend lower expectations.
Va à la Gendarmerie / Police Nationale et vois avec eux directement.