I made blackberry jam for the first time this year. I saw the suggested sugar to put in and was blown away, used 1/3 of that, it’s still quite sweet
I made blackberry jam for the first time this year. I saw the suggested sugar to put in and was blown away, used 1/3 of that, it’s still quite sweet
I love fage, mixed with some roughly chopped cherries is so good. I’ve switched to making my own yogurt recently but the original starter I used was fage and it hasn’t let me down
A bit of brown sugar really helps bring a red sauce together and yogurt is good sweet or savory (granted I like my sweet yogurt to just be sweetened with fruit and no pure sugar added but that’s a preference thing)
As per usual in my responses to comments like this, just because it is easy for you to make these things doesn’t mean it is easy or practical for everyone to. From scratch takes longer, requires more knowledge which takes time to acquire, makes more dishes, requires more types of equipment, and in the case of yogurt can be a safety thing
It is on the companies making these products to do better not on the individual seeking to make a part of their life easier
That goblin fuck doesn’t have the tools for a proper orgy
Mine does this with no way to turn it off. If I want to get fine detail in a picture I need to use a third party camera app because the blemish filter likes to turn trees or grass into mush
Came here for the Morrowind crowd. Love that game so much
I bought a 1200w PSU in like 2011 and it’s chugging along through multiple upgrades and two different builds. They forgot to put the quit in that one
You can usually prompt it to be less verbose or omit things like it saying it’s sorry in future responses
Also shouldn’t be starting a new task if you have less than two days remaining in the week
Hey this has been happening at my work! It definitely isn’t a complete dumpster fire over here now, that knowledge and experience from those hundreds of people wasn’t critical or anything, the people who are left are totally working well and not just scraping by under constant fear of being fired next, it’s fine
I like playing an aurabot in PoE because all I need to do is stay close to teammates. I effectively play the game by looking at the mini map and lining up our dots