Exactly. Greed and self-interest are not eliminated by changing economic systems. They wil justl manifest differently (for example, the nomenklatura in the USSR).
Exactly. Greed and self-interest are not eliminated by changing economic systems. They wil justl manifest differently (for example, the nomenklatura in the USSR).
No…not everyone hates capitalism. Everyone hates uncontrolled capitalism.
Socialism isn’t some magical bandaid that will make everything better. It has a shit ton of it’s own problems and downfalls…nearly all of which are conveniently glossed over by leftists.
Hey, I was you about 6 months ago. Same views, and then I was called a dirty imperialist just because I wasn’t left enough. Like, these ML people are out for blood. They want a revolution and it’s acceptable if people have to die to achieve it.
I used to do a shit ton of yardwork on edibles. Made it so much more chill.
Hell, this has “I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?” vibes.
I mean, I’ve technically designed a component that’s gone into numerous commercial aircraft. Does that make me qualified to head up the FAA? Or would that make me qualified to lead NASA?
These chuds are so unqualified to lead any of these departments. The one saving grace as that none of these guys know what they are doing, so short of firing people, they’re just going to embarrass themselves for the next 4 years.