• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldone last banger stolen from rednote
    2 months ago

    That is just sad.

    Our capitalist’s Greed, avarice, the desire to treat their countrymen as livestock so they can live as modern pharoahs on our back and the willingness to bribe their own regulators and capture the government with their capital (power) they’re only supposed to have a single vote in is why the government treats us as livestock.

    It’s ridiculous you think China made our owner class act as murderous sociopaths in order to amass their ridiculous hoards.

    The CCP had nothing to do with our for profit healthcare insurance sector murdering their own customers, our citizens with the approval of both parties, when they become inconvenient to private profit as just one of countless examples. China has their own sins, that isn’t one of them.

    We are the primary vector destabilizing governments and waging wars to expand our greed disease around the world to keep resources and markets open to our capitalist’s exploitation because it’s never fucking enough. No one forced us into that. Our owners just demanded moar.

    If you want Americans to be loyal, establish social and economic equity. Until then, don’t expect the tortured masses to thank or appreciate their torturers, let alone have loyalty to them. That’s just Stockholm syndrome.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldone last banger stolen from rednote
    2 months ago

    I consider the domestic powers that be to be hostile to people of low net worth, aka most of the people they govern, so there’s that.

    When your own society treats you like a disposable capital battery that will gladly kill you when it finally breaks you, like by denying your necessary healthcare in a vast insurance confidence scheme, it’s strange to expect allegiance.

    The United States is very clear that we’re on our own, “free” to die in the streets. I find it strange that some Americans take offense to other Americans taking their business elsewhere.

  • As an American trapped inside with these proudly ignorant fuckwits, can confirm.

    Good luck when climate change makes us desperate though. There’s literally only one thing we are genuinely very, very good at, to my shame; mass production of the means of mass murder. It’s pathetic how many of my fellow Americans take a perverse pride in this.

    I genuinely fear for the rest of the world when the water wars start. We’re idiocracy with a cartoonishly big stick we’re absolutely dumb and petty enough to use.

  • Agent Smith (the Wachowskis) had us dead to rights.

    We are a macro cancer of the natural world. You can point to our supposed good works, but from the perspective of most surface life, well… the surface life we haven’t yet exterminated in the name of glorious economic metastasis, we are a fucking plague.

    Metastatic tumors refuse to stop too. It’s in their nature.

    I find consolation in knowing we aren’t the first macro cancer Earth has survived, see the trees of the carboniferous period, and life will survive our species’ very loud, eager murder suicide.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldLet's gooooooo.
    2 months ago

    Thank you sincerely!

    When one of your hobbies becomes finding new and interesting ways to make the same points at clouds and brick walls on the internet, as mine has, you come to find efficiency in eloquence.

    It helps me to at least feel like I’m holding onto my sanity in insane times.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldLet's gooooooo.
    2 months ago

    I never didn’t when I reached the age of reason and saw the social tolerance celebration worship of unchecked avarice as the core rot in our civilization for what it is.

    Im glad so many are finally overcoming their capitalist “greed is rational and your lessers have to lose for you to win” programming, even at this late hour as the capitalists burn the very world under our feet… and your grandmother who needs a hip replacement or chemotherapy alive… for another nickel on their sociopath hoards.

    Do we want a society… And all the benefits that being an actual society with a functioning social contract entails? Or do we want to continue to be a bunch of temporarily embarrassed millionaires pathetic mark suckers at each other’s throats tearing eachother down over scraps and false promises (hard work will be rewarded! Consumption will make you feel better! The odds are ever in your favor!) so we never look up at our owners?

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldLet's gooooooo.
    2 months ago

    Also, only about 28,000 hundred-million-plus-inaires on Earth.

    For perspective, significantly more Palestinians have already been casually genocided by our bestie trade partner in that current conflict.

    The blight upon our civilization of billions is not that large.


    I’m not even suggesting they be adjusted, because I’m not a sociopath like they are. Use an economic guillotine, confiscate their exploitation gotten hoards for the commons(yes nationalize essential industries like utilities and Healthcare so they’re owned by society), reshape the economy to stop rewarding speculative gambling with exploitation gotten chips over honest labor and vocations like teachers that keep civilization running, obviously institute a maximum wealth cap as other people live in this society going forward to prevent recurrance, bring their ego scores to zero for their murderous greed, let them keep $20 and give each of them a set of literal, cheap bootstraps, and let them get a real job.

    Bar them from forming any kind of corporate entities or investing in anything other than a standard savings account for life, just as people convicted of computer crimes are sometimes barred from operating computers as they’ve proven they’re a danger to others with them.

    I’d be shocked if half of them didn’t take themselves out of the equation suddenly being subject to the same reality as their current livestock.

  • As someone who’s also glad, the falsehood that we get what we deserve after we die is a very harmful one.

    Justice doesn’t come naturally or in some fairy tale afterlife. Justice came to Brian because someone else saw to it that it did.

    The world would be a better place if people weren’t deluded into believing the universe or some imagined deity will make things fair. It’s a very pretty lie, but it has equally ugly consequences.

    If we want a just world, we need to make one. It won’t be handled off screen for us. This life is all we get.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTerrorism
    3 months ago


    This and virtually all countries were founded by people who would fit the definition of terrorist.

    How history remembers you is solely on the basis of how successful your “terrorism” was.

    George Washington is a very well regarded terrorist in modernity.

  • We have maybe 2-4 individuals in all of Congress, none promoted within the DNC as that is determined by how well you “fundraise,” aka demonstrate you’re willing and able to get the biggest bribe checks, that might actually hold some economically leftist ideals.

    They are hated and undermined by both parties harder than either party fights the other. The DNC and leaders like Pelosi and Schumer are far more at ease with Trump being President than They would with AOC.

    https://www.commondreams.org/news/aoc-and-nancy-pelosi (Nancy Pelosi ‘Making Calls’ to Undermine AOC’s Bid for Top Oversight Role)

    Behold Democrat leadership’s priorities a month before Trump takes office, kneecap the farthest left member of her chamber yet again.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSt. Luigi
    3 months ago

    cold blood

    No, he seemed pretty justifiably angry.

    The guy he allegedly killed on the other hand almost certainly had ice in his veins approving denial policies that would make his company a lot of money by denying the necessary care his customers/marks paid for in advance through premiums. Now those customers/marks are dead with more on the way at their hands, and they keep all those dead customers/marks premiums. Score amirite?

    Whoever sits in that chair has to be a cold blooded sociopath that murders with indifference. That’s the job.

    The glorious shareholders demand it. Bezos has a pet mega yacht for his main mega yacht and they have fomo.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    Especially with the Caesar-ish garb, it conflates boomers with owners

    Most owners are boomers, but few boomers are owners.

    The owners are our enemy.

    It’s important to maintain focus on who the enemy is. This is subtle but derails entire movements.

    The owner’s bread and butter is sowing division between the peasants. They are very efficient at it. Kind of their signature move.

  • What did you expect?

    We’ve been told for years that herp derp the economy is doing amazing! If you don’t agree there’s something wrong with you! if you got laid off or your corpo landlord raised your rent and you’re now dying in the street well then… look everybody! An evil homeless person lowering your property values with their continued existence! Git em!