When I can buy like a large 5 top pizza for as much as a single fast food combo, i know which I’ll choose.
It’s an addiction for a lot of people.
When I was young I learned that when you add up all the numbers if that number is a multiple of 3 than the original number is also divisible by 3. So 51, 5+1=6 and 6 divisible by 3 and so must 51.
You got the pan too hot and probably messed with it too soon. Med/low heat throw it in let it solidify then go to town. Use cast iron and there’s practically no clean up.
I’ve come to the conclusion that some people would be satisfied with an entertainment technology that does nothing but display ads. And it probably like 10% of the population.
Beau is afraid. I found a stream of it online (yar matey). It was strange but good.
Gosh I hope so, we can all form a circle, hold hands, and burn the whole place down while the rats are trapped.
In before they are 4$ each, for half a chicken nugget wrapped in a small tortilla
get them into gardening, its like a real life infinite food glitch.