Yup, and the center still has a 50/50 chance of being frozen solid or molten lava when you bite into it!
Yup, and the center still has a 50/50 chance of being frozen solid or molten lava when you bite into it!
It’s honestly been colder than typical where I am, but that’s just fine when there’s no precipitation (IMHO).
I live in coastal New England and we’ve had barely a dusting of snow all winter. The schadenfreude is sustaining me right now.
and the OP is a troll who’s been posting various levels of mask-on to full-racist memes all over Lemmy.
OP is a right-wing troll.
Is this gonna be a thing now? This same dumb meme was posted by a different rightoid troll just last night, until it got downvoted enough that the poster deleted it.
Are you shocked that intentional bait from a right-wing troll is getting downvoted? Or, are you another twat cut from the same cloth and you’re feeling triggered?
…it is spelled “karaoke,” right? how did you manage to mung it up in the post title, after nailing it in the image?
Thank you for finally outing yourself. Treasonous moron.
Save your breath. We exist in the rarified space that is “aware-American” that GwammarPowice can’t acknowledge because MericaBad. The immediate future looks grim.
I have NEVER wanted to be wrong more than in this very instant… but I’ve also never been more scared that we’re all right: Hitler 2.0 is about to make life suck for 99% of the population of the planet.
Ask us again in four years… I fucking hope.
Copper pipes only need replacing that often if a) you cheaped out on construction and used the thinnest kind (M-type, which isn’t even legal in some states), and b) you had some pressure issue along the way that left the pipes only partially full of water for a time.
Damn, Fuckerberg is turning into a lamer version of Andy Dick!
Just because you still live in Mommy and Daddy’s basement, doesn’t mean you have a family. More like, a family is still stuck with you!
and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Come again?