There’s nothing stopping ads from being added. Decentralized social media will be enshittified as much as any other technology thanks to the boundless greed of capitalists.
There’s nothing stopping ads from being added. Decentralized social media will be enshittified as much as any other technology thanks to the boundless greed of capitalists.
I know it is. But that’s because social media has destroyed places where people used to get together in person and discuss these things.
Currently? Like you’re inside her as you’re typing this?
Cars are a scam to keep the working class poor
Which word?
Only if we don’t change, and that includes you and me
Not just Lemmy sadly
You wouldn’t say „I personally don’t like killing people but I do respect your religious tradition of human sacrifice“
In most cultures killing people is significantly worse than killing animals, so this comparison doesn’t really make sense.
The point I’m trying to make is that if vegans and non vegans worked together we could lower the amount of meat we eat and reduce the suffering of animals, even if it’s not the perfect goal of zero animal product consumption. And that’s something we should all want to work towards.
To be clear, I believe vegan/vegetarian is the morally correct position even though I do eat meat. My point is that if we worked together we could cause more good in the world than we do by fighting.
Not being banned from ml is a red flag
Doubly so when they do a fake laugh any time something is mildly amusing
This is what the Internet is actually for. This and porn.
In American politics left and right have no meaning anyway
Vitally, there’s no evidence to believe it’s true
Your fellow workers are not your enemy. The wealthy owning class who underpay you are your enemy.
“Here are three examples I made up to prove how not racist I am!”
Mainly Kyle Rittenhouse
Kenosha is a far right shit hole. They declared themselves a “2nd amendment sanctuary city” whatever the fuck that means. This is the same city that gave rise to Kyle Rittenhouse.
Pretending they’re cute is a mistake. Don’t let them try to change their image.
Exactly! I hate how corporations get to control our language now and people just fall in line with it.
Death is a natural phenomenon that is totally inevitable. Social media is not. This comparison makes no sense.