What’d he get, a whopper with no drink or side at Burger King?
What’d he get, a whopper with no drink or side at Burger King?
I miss the windows XP media player that had the visualizers for music and skins and shit.
VLC is okay…but it doesnt autopopulate my CD names and tracks.
I fixed that on my grandfathers car with bailing wire, lol
How the fuck does Bundy own a palacial 2 story + basement suburban mansion on the salary of an incompetent shoe salesman in a store that gets almost no customers!
in defense of that first point, I’ve been in plenty of cars where the panel under the steering wheel was easy to rip off, whether it was screwed in or not.
Plastic is not that strong. especially if its an older car.
especially especially if its a older car thats spent its life in a hot climate.
We use words seriously, to convey facts and and truths.
They use words as toys to infuriate and offend, all the while taking amusement from the collective effort to stop their disinformation and lies.
I miss when games were physical and I actually owned them.
I miss being able to hold them in my hands, to examine the cover, to read the back.
I miss being able to crack it open and smell that plasti-ink-chemical smell that had been sealed inside from the factory with the shrinkwrap.
and yes, I absolutely miss having manuals to read.
There is no war in Ba Sing Se
You don’t even have to. Most the time they’ll take whatever innocent topic/comment at had and somehow twist it into Russia/China Good, America/West bad.
This has to be someones parody stunt and not a real, legitimate thing…right?
So, You’ve experienced a similar trauma to what a good chunk of women experience, and the remaining women live in fear of experiencing, and instead of being sympathetic and understanding… you are angry at them for trying to protect themselves from similar fates.
Yeah, you sound like a real upstanding guy.
downvotes on this are nothing but a tally of guys who are legitimately worse than a bear. So at least speak up and reveal yourselves, you coward ass bitches.
the response to the bear vs man thing is basically proof why most women chose bear.
I think I had 4 RF tuners daisy chained at one point for Atari 2600, NES, SNES, and Genesis.
you piggybacked one through another. whatever you turned on would interrupt the signal and output the system in question.
It also had a switch to make it work on channel 4 if you, for some bizarre reason, were a weirdo and needed that.
one of my great regrets (Of a great many, I’l concede) is that I never had the opportunity to attend a lan party in my younger days… In these days of the photo.
I have always looked at this picture with a mixture of jealousy and admiration.