Opinions on that really differ es you might have read, too. I would look at the alternatives in general and choose a well maintained one.
Critical tech enthusiast
Opinions on that really differ es you might have read, too. I would look at the alternatives in general and choose a well maintained one.
Running GrapheneOS 2024111800 on a Pixel 7 I get notified, when updates where downloaded but still have to install them manually.
F-Droid Basic can do autoupdates on GrapheneOS, but has reduced features. For some older, but not necessarily outdated info on this topic, see here: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/16-f-droid-auto-updates/25
Thx for pointing out and enjoy.
Yeah, sure looks like a fork of FairMail and that GUI was always irritating me. I’ll stick with K9.
IMO the best way to keep one’s apps up to date.