It’s crazy how they can just do illegal things because they have so much money…
Do I own my phone or not??
It’s crazy how they can just do illegal things because they have so much money…
Do I own my phone or not??
With the way sites work these days there’s always some pop-up asking you to rate your experience or some crap. Especially Microsoft admin sites.
I start typing and then that pops up and then I click it away and the freaking focus is taking off of the text field… Now I got to click back in there and type again
If anyone here works at Microsoft please please stop with the fucking pop-ups inside of your own administrator sites. I do not want to rate your site, I do not want to learn about all the little changes you made for no good reason. I want to get my fucking work done
My mom refuses to turn off notifications from apps so there are constantly 30-40 notifications. Making it completely unusable.
I just don’t get it, you can control how your phone works but people act like they can’t do a thing
Go check out downtown Nashville, it sounds like someone gave 500 toddlers musical instruments and red bull. When it all mixes together it just sounds like noise
I like the ones that are just tea tree or sandalwood scented, I don’t need to smell like I bathed an axe body spray, and it works for both genders. (As if we actually need a different body wash lol)
and that is a natural, beautiful, reason to kill for food. I have utmost respect for those who have to hunt their food, not for obese idiots buying slabs of hormone filled trash that gives them cancer
I like cocaine, but that’s not a reason to do it
You don’t need cow meat to live
That’s a lot of assumptions 😂 Almost all of which are completely wrong
I don’t care if your butt hurt, stop whining and look inward
You don’t need to kill, period.
I always thought catching release was fucked up. Just find a real hobby
You seriously think they are hunting because of a population issue? That is just why they are allowed to hunt so freely…
The hunters do not give a fuck, just want to kill some shit
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