BitWarden has a desktop extension and it also handles 2FA. No reason to be using a password, which is way less secure and can be extracted from a website DB via a hack.
BitWarden has a desktop extension and it also handles 2FA. No reason to be using a password, which is way less secure and can be extracted from a website DB via a hack.
Yeah I don’t think it’s the only password manager that allows PassKeys either. Plus, they’re more secure by design; the website never has to store anything that can be reversed to allow access. Bitwarden even lets you store multiple passkeys per site.
I do hate how it’s promoted as “locked to your device” though but i imagine that’s because (unfortunately) password managers aren’t used by a majority of users.
I’m partial to AdGuardHome myself, but PiHole does the job well
Yeah and while you’re at it: only shit in a hole and bury it
There are plenty of them on Regretsy and eBay that some one just put like vinyl stickers cut into a trademarked character they don’t own the rights for and then resold them for $38 each
It ain’t the ceramic that’ll be the problem
Why would anyone use containers without compose?
Especially people who are newer? It’s far easier.
This is the way to go. Way more flexible than hardware raid and getting better all the time.
In ZFS-speak, instead of RAID 10 you’ll be doing “mirrored vdevs”
The whole of the internet to figure out if something is factual or not and yet you demand someone else does the thinking for you
No wonder AI will replace us so easily
I always thought it was a bit silly, if not apt? That we all thought he looked like a walrus but the top picture here changed that.
You cannot convince me that walrus is NOT Jamie Hyneman.
Quick, now lean a firewall with a good IDS
and fail2ban
She dated Bobby Tables her freshmen year.
Nah I think we’ve had the warnings and the is the “find out” part
Why Stacy look like Gary Shandling’s secret daughter tho
You still have to wear the turtle shell underneath
NUT works with many UPS models and provides monitoring and control
You can run into this issue with any two sync programs that operate on virtual files, as another commenter said. This isn’t specifically a OneDrive or NextCloud problem. You can safely run both at the same time on the same machine, as long as they are syncing entirely separate directories.
That being said, this is obscure enough that I feel like there should be some kind of check in these clients to make sure they’re not about to interfere with each other - users aren’t gonna know to check for this, especially since these clients are hiding what they’re actually doing behind the scenes!
You cannot specify ports in a DNS A or AAAA record. www.example.com cannot resolve to and app.domain.com cannot resolve to
If the application (be it a game or whatnot) supports it, SRV records can identify a port for a hostname. So, you could have minecraft1.domain.com and an SRV record to specify port 25565, and minecraft2.domain.com SRV 25566.
This means you can have multiple Minecraft servers with the same IP address, but you won’t need to give people the port numbers to remember; the hostname allows the game to look up the port via the SRV record.
This is great for selfhosters because we generally only get one IP (until they rollout IPv6; probably half the reason they don’t)
Some of the shorts are ads themselves
Bitwarden: “I’m literally right here”