The problem is I lost the person I wanted to be while becoming who I had to be. That person is lost to me now. 🤷🏿♀️
Dusty old bones, full of green dust.
The problem is I lost the person I wanted to be while becoming who I had to be. That person is lost to me now. 🤷🏿♀️
It tickles me how much more cordial this thread is compared to the one about violence at night. No essays about how it isn’t true, or how women are presented “worse.” Just empathy and good discussion, and some jokes here and there.
Hey, cleaners are second most important, they must be paid super well, right?
… Right?
I’m trying to get myself together too (though not nearly as impressive as your method). I’m writing down everything I spend, from a soda, or groceries, to rent. I quickly saw I was spending, like, to the penny of my check, and saw I wasted a good $200 on just bullshit. I’m trying to put on my big girl panties and get it together. Whenever I saw no to something, I’ve been putting it in a savings account. Like, “eh, I can make dinner at home.” Okay, then that $15 for the cheeseburger that you were okay with is now going into savings.
My goal is to end this year without debt. School, credit card, all of it. Tired of it lol
Honestly, it’s been a great help reducing take out. It’s such a gamble, I’d rather spent nothing on a sure thing (even if it’s boring) than nearly $40 for a meal I may not even finish.
But… But it’ll damage the the page. 🥺
Chaotic Good, or I’m just listening to an audio book.
I wonder if she gets quiet because she’s brought up the same, exact issue multiple times and she’s tired of her concerns being invalidated and forgotten as “women, am I right?”
This can go both ways. She could be upset he’s not a mind reader, or she could be upset that he doesn’t give a fuck. A " Schrodinger’s Douchebag" if you will.
“Attractive Female”, “Divine Power” because what power doesn’t fall under that, and “Insanely Rich.”
I remember telling my mom I’d make a good Spinster, just hanging out at home, doing needle work. She laughed and said, “You’re black, you’d be a slave.”
Cats can be trained! I took it serious this time around and she’s learned how to stand up, shake, and high five. The trick is finding something they really, really like to eat since they won’t do it just to make your happy 😅
Edit: Also weird that cats are thought to be worse because they’re (sometimes) less subservient? Like, is that the only quality of a pet?
I just looked it up, and you’re right! I would have swore the nail went all the way through.
I literally cannot watch that scene. When it comes on, I gotta look away or leave. But Saw? Sign me up!
I take regular hour walks. They can help, but please still take your medication if you’re on anything. And don’t feel bad if it doesn’t change your life. Sometimes you just walk to clear your head, and that’s still okay.
Go on a older person’s phone. Whenever I have to do anything on my mom’s phone, it gives me a headache. Everything is too bright and big and unorganized and has so man notifications! And her phone is much newer than mine and it’s still hard for me.
Wait, you guys can stop over thinking?
Frequently I picture myself walking straight into the sea.
Only thing my car says is that I’m a weeb who can’t aim (Old OW Mercy Decal and a Sukuna Decal)