In life? Amphetamines.
In life? Amphetamines.
Thanks, but no, none of these apply. Unfortunately it seems like the issues that make these documents require the issue to have more severe consequences than either of mine currently have. My bitlocker crash and reboots aren’t actual BSOD crashes. They are just system reboots for bitlocker not responding once initiated. Or at least that is what I think is the case with the known issue wikis
This filled in so many gaps in my ongoing understanding of the Windows update shitshow. A lot of it I strongly suspected but the fact you outlined them almost verbatim to what I suspected is enough for me to take as actual existing problems and the liklihood of them being addressed. Thank you.
So my question for bitlocker initiating is that it is turned off in settings and disabled in regedit. That hasn’t stopped it from trying to run bitlocker. It also wasn’t originally on Windows 11 home which is what I’ve always had on this computer.
The PC ran perfectly with the adjustment I have made to settings and regestry/service/group edits. For months. It wasn’t until the Windows update in October that sent things into a spin. When I made the edits initially, I did have to restore the pc a couple times and turn some edits on and off to get everything running to the best performance possible. In regards to the work pc stuff, I’m guna be straight with you, its actually one of my personal pc’s but I included the bit about work hoping to avoid a flood of replies suggesting I move to Linux. I have a pc running Linux and have reasons to also have a pc running windows but didn’t want to have this post to shift focus to why Linux is better than Windows or why I’m running Windows.
Edit: forgot to add that I genuinely appreciate your input and agree with all of it. I am happy to provide any further (accurate) info for you if there is anything else I left out or distorted in my original post with my attempt to steer the replies away from a Linux praise thread.
So I’ve done that twice and both times issues don’t come about until Windows update 24h2 is installed. That’s kinda the point too. If this update and subsequent updates are going to create or cause hardware issues then I will look into going back to Windows 10. I mean I built this pc a little bit after the zen4 AMD chips came out and bought the best tier of each piece of hardware in the build that was compampatabl with each other. Not the best I could afford, the best available. At most it’s a 2 year old build.
Right, but how does it work when there are applications at the patent office for existing trademarks to be registered? You can trademark anything but need a special registration approval for the trademark to be registered. Same for all the thing that say patent pending, right? Maybe that was the hierarchy I was mis-remembering.
Spot on. Couldn’t remember the names but this is exactly the one I was remembering.
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I bring this up the time how Reagan didn’t win in a landslide, Mondale fuckin lost in a land slide.
Even the worst NFL team will destroy the next best team they could face that was worse than them. Mondale was your local junior college team going up against the Jets. A 50-1 score is spun as the Jets winning in a land slide and not spun as how shitty the junior college was.
I’ll bite. What were your extremely good reasons not to vote?
I wanna say there is a hierarchy of enforcability to trademarks, copyrights and patents on top of their application requisites. I also think that Patents are sort of the top tier that all regulations apply to with a trickle down effect in how they apply to TM’s and C’s. Don’t quote me on it tho. I’m going off the time at work years ago when the idea of patenting or tradmarking a thing. I might also be mixing it up with how they regulate Trademarks vs Registered Copyrights.
Lol you’d already have to be paid to release that many albums of just instrumentals. This was before mixtapes and would’ve actually cost a pretty penny to make back then.
Also wasn’t there a big thing about artists like this not getting paid for their samples being used? I remember a story of the guy who made the drum beat sampled in dozens of really popular songs that never saw a dime.
Yes. Discord is the absolute worst fucking platform that was designed with mal-intent by a piece of shit company it’s absolutely amazing anyone still uses it.
Where is the anti pronoun shit though? I’ve only seen one cited link and it was asking not to use the forum for discussing irrelevant topics. Github forums are resources used by all levels of developers for finding answers for issues with open source no instruction manual software development. Nothing i saw was anti-gender or pronoun anything (didt read thru the responding comments from users but why would they reflect on the person in question? Am I missing something beyond what op commented without providing any rhyme, reason or resource for?
Edit: now I’m even more confused after reading a second commenter’s link that shows they made the requested edit.
Chill. Read the cited sources. It’s someone asking the community to not use the github forum for discussing the completely irrelevant topic. It’s not a fucking open forum it’s for developers to use as a resource. I don’t care if the person was giving out a $1,000,000 to anyone that commented, find an appropriate place to post your comments. I saw nothing against the topic itself but a bunch of angry responses. I mean if you read and are like na fuck that dude than 100% that’s your take but that’s the thing, its YOUR take. I hate seeing people so quick to draw the fuck this or fuck that card from absolutely zero rhetoric than what an anonymous internet comment said.
Jokes on you I’m a claustrophobic shitter!
I know these are all playing off the original comments joke of needing erasures in his bag, but for the sake of the newbie golfers, the pencils don’t have erasures to prevent score changing without initializing. If you play for money with friends or in amateur tournaments, when you have to make a score correction after it’s written down, you should have your cart buddy initial it. Noone wants to pay someone on a scorecard with erased scores on it lol.