I’m pretty sure everyone in this thread agrees that hacking a neuralink is bad. they’re saying it’s made by Tesla so they don’t trust it out of fear if being hacked and that that is a bad thing. not sure where you disagree with these people.
I’m pretty sure everyone in this thread agrees that hacking a neuralink is bad. they’re saying it’s made by Tesla so they don’t trust it out of fear if being hacked and that that is a bad thing. not sure where you disagree with these people.
gotta chop off the pp
doing something to save countless human lives isn’t doing something “for convenience”. also, “just give people access to healthcare”? how would you do that? there’s regions where people don’t even have clean drinking water. it’s simply not possible to just give all of humanity healthcare.
mosquitos have killed more humans than any other animal or disease ever. you might change your mind about them if your child died due to them, but luckily you probably won’t ever have to experience that because of privilege.
unless you have the most fucked up middle finger that shouldn’t be an issue. fun fact, I moved w and s one down. s is where x was and w is where s was. makes gaming a lot nicer.
even with crooked fingers, unless your fingers are crooked in opposite directions an ortholinear one is still better
I can’t read this, who thought adding pictures like that was a good idea 😭
trans people are trans from birth. he was always trans, he just didn’t know it at that point. transitioning does not retroactively change reality, reality was always like that we just didn’t know. I think they handled his transition amazingly in the show, but your take is bad.
Yea seems better, I installed it. Is there a way to allow certain SimpleX contacts to bypass DND? I was able to do it with Signal but it seems not possible with SimpleX
if the world weren’t so hostile to normal humans then not having the support of a family would not be as devastating