Here is the transcription of the Monero part (transcribed manually, so there may be typos).

Tucker Carlson: The most frustrating part from my perspective is the inability to use cryptocurrency, apparently, with any privacy. I mean that is the core promise, you know, I earned the money, didn’t do anything wrong and I’d like to buy something that’s sort of no one’s business. Whether I’m buying it or not and I would like to do that in privacy. I don’t think that’s a weird thing to want, it’s a human thing to want. Is that possible? Is my question, is it now possible to conduct any kind of business with crypto anonymously?

Roger Ver: So in the early days everybody thought Bitcoin was basically anonymous and people treated it that way, and then websites came up that were selling things that the governments might not necessarily you to buy and people were using Bitcoin for that because they thought it was basically anonymous, and later on we found out that it wasn’t anonymous at all. But additional steps were taken to make Bitcoin even less anonymous, and today most people are just using custodial wallets which are, you know, it’s not even a wallet it’s just an account and it’s no more private than your Bank of America or PayPal account, and in fact it’s even less private than those things because anybody can take a look at the blockchain and see what’s there.

But luckily there’s other cryptocurrencies out there that do give people more privacy, so there’s things like Monero which most people are now using if they want some privacy. But there’s even more exciting technologies and coins out there, there’s another one called Zano, that allows anybody to create their own privacy token in which nobody can see what’s going on. And if you really want to get the three letter agencies upset, or governments upset, there’s a project called Confidental Layer, which is creating a bridge from Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum, on to Zano, so you can take Bitcoin with no privacy at all, or Ethereum with no privacy at all, and brdige it permissionlessly with no custodian and no central point of attack onto Zano, and when it’s on the Zano you have very very strong privacy with that as well, so I think that’s gonna make a whole lot more privacy come to entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.

But governments are gonna hate that, like Monero that I mentioned before, it’s preemptively banned from being listed on most exchanged and in most of the world at this point, and that’s simply because governments have much less of an ability to spy on people that are using things like Monero or Zano, and that’s why I’m a big fan of things like Monero or Zano today.

And in fact today, I would be embarrassed to promote… I am embarrassed to promote Bitcoin to people today because the transactions are slow, expensive, unreliable, and you have no privacy. I’d be proud to promote something like a Monero or Zano or ZCash or ZCoin or any of these privacy tools out there because those are the ones that provide more individual control to people and more privacy and more economic freedom to people over the world.

People are claiming that Bitcoin is freedom money, but I’m really afraid that they’re literally building the financial prison walls around themselves. Like if you look at what’s going on El Salvador, everybody is excited about Bitcoin there, but they’re all using custodial accounts that the government can see every single transaction you’re making and they can freeze your account at any time, that’s the exact opposite of economic freedom, that’s economic government control. So anybody that’s paying attention should be really really concerned about this and they should be advocating the use of cryptocurrencies in which individuals can actually have control of their own money and have control over their own lives and their own destiny. Maybe that’ll be Bitcoin thanks to this new technology called Cofidental Layer that bridges it onto Zano, but I don’t know what it’s going to be, but we need to be really really careful because, you know, it could wind up that we’ve before we know it and before we realize it we built the financial prison walls around us and it’s too late to get out and too late to escape, so let’s be aware of this today, and you know, watch out.

    3 months ago

    Not a surprise to us on this website here.

    Monero is the successor of Bitcoin:

    • automatically private and uncensorable
    • decentralized, any computer can participate
    • any PC can easily mine XMR with the GUI wallet
    • Faster transactions than Bitcoin
    • low transaction fees, even with high utilization