Seriously though, don’t do violence.

    3 months ago

    Worked for the IRA, OG Rednecks, and Zapatistas. The fact of the matter is that you dont need more guns only more intelligence and a willingness to make the ones you are targeting bleed far more than you ever could.

      3 months ago

      Worked for the IRA, OG Rednecks, and Zapatistas.

      Give me a specific example of how violence worked for any of these. I’m not sure what you’re referring to with OG rednecks, but the IRA (as of 1997) abandoned violence because it failed to reach their goals and just angered the people they were supposed to be fighting for. EZLN only took up armed rebellion for a brief moment and never really tried to engage in battle, focusining on peaceful activity since the mid-90s.

      a willingness to make the ones you are targeting bleed far more than you ever could.

      The problem there is that the ones being targeted make a ton of money for what they’re doing, and can avoid this sort of problem by just being a little more careful. Meanwhile, there’s not that many people willing to risk prison and death to express their disdain for corporate healthcare.

        3 months ago

        Because the IRA didn’t truly give up violence. They had Sinn Fein for that.

        MLK was ignored, and the Black Panthers showed what could happen if you ignore them.

        Gandhi wasn’t recognised by the British until the terrorist acts and rebellions in India.

        The violence isn’t the “solution”, it is the response to the negotiations being ignored. Its the “good cop/bad cop” in all these situations. There are plently of peaceful groups who have been working towards better healthcare, but made no progress. This is the point where they can start saying

        Either you work with us, or deal with them 🤷‍♀️

        And it’s exactly how the IRA got the negotiations going. It may take a while but its the same pattern.

        3 months ago

        When I said OG Rednecks I was referring to those who fought in the Unions and County wars, Blair mountain, and towards the tail end volunteered in Catalonia. Anyways they more or less got what they wanted, high union membership and getting the companies to the negotiating table, only took a couple decades of violence to get the point across.

        Yes im aware about of the 97 change of policy from the IRA, but they also fractured towards the end of the Troubles so im not even sure I should consider the IRA of 1997 as the same organization as in 1977. Also my point reiterated they did violence until they got negotiated with.

        Yes I know about the Zapatistas using violence sparringly. Look at my two previous points.

        Violence is a tool like any other, one must know where to apply it and with how much pressure. You do not use a blowtorch to hammer in a nail nor do you use a sledgehammer for a picture frame nail. All I was trying to point out is that violence has been used to great effect, the make them bleed more comment while holding some truth was also me being somewhat hot blooded.

        Frankly speaking the best way to fuck with these large corporations is to attack their infrastructure. Destroy servers, vehicles, buildings, etc. Killing the CEO will eventually result in either hiding of the CEO or moving the power to a new position.