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I love when a God type peeks in from heaven, from time to time, performs a technology review with his main human peeps, and together they conclude a VPN is probably bad for the community / personal development / a deeper connection with said God etc.
So cool. Praise be heavenly technical reviews.
Thou shalt not browse The Internet
I can’t believe this wasn’t an Onion piece. Lol.
Guess any Pakistani corporation with some IT are breaking the law then
i doubt this law applies to beautiful legal people, just shiti organics…
that’s how these regimes operate lol
The title is (kind of) clickbait. It’s actually just been ruled that using a VPN to access blocked content is against Sharia law. But fuck if that headline isn’t funny
If jaweh wanted VPN, then why isn’t it in the koran?
The Quran prohibits spying and other violations of privacy.
Please forward this information to the pakistani religious body. They might’ve received a faulty copy of the document.
Read the article beyond the headline
Exmuslim here, it’s forbidden in Islam to spy on people ( invade their privacy ), but there is another rule ( which is not actually written, at least not in the main scriptures ), that basically flips everything around, lying, stealing, killing, invading someone else privacy… etc everything becomes allowed, because it’s a necessity… now you might be asking, how and when you know it’s a necessity to do something that’s officially forbidden by Allah ( in this case invading others privacy ) ?
the answer is… it’s subjective, you just make up your own mind, and justify it with : it’s a necessity, may Allah forgive me 🥺👉👈
Of course, I’m being too optimistic, religion is there so people don’t use their brains, in reality people ask imams ( our version of priests ) who have authority because “they know” these stuff, it’s just makes life easier
push users to register VPNs with the state’s media regulator, ostensibly to enhance cybersecurity and fight terrorism.
Ahh, the terrorism excuse, ok… define terrorism ?!
again, their own sharia laws are against them…lol…, Invading people’s privacy is prohibited in Islam, so They’re going out of their way, and against the word of their holy Prophet
“Using VPNs to access blocked or illegal content is against Islamic and social norms, therefore, their use is not acceptable under Islamic law. It falls under ‘abetting in sin,’ ” said the statement, quoting the council’s chairman, Raghib Naeemi.
man, don’t you just love it when religious people try to save you from eternal hell?
how and when you know it’s a necessity
I did the math actually. And it seems like mass surveillance will only be justified if homicide rates are higher than 20% ( if 1 out of 5 people die in murder ). And only if surveillance actually stops all the crime ( which it doesn’t ) and only if there is nothing less problematic that could be used instead ( which there are plenty techniques, like normal regular investigation, where you ask people around on their own terms ). Basically the math says it isn’t justified by an apocalyptic margin.
Oh, Are you the same Blender Dumbass 2.0 ?
And only if surveillance actually stops all the crime ( which it doesn’t )
When mass surveillance works, you lose your rights, and when it doesn’t work as intended ( which as the government says to protect you from terrorists ), it gets things wrong and it can be too damaging, like when Google flagged a man who sent his child’s photos to a doctor, or when Facial recognition system gets the wrong person, or when a bank algorithm locks someone of their own account due to suspicious activity… etc
So we’re damned when it works and we’re damned when it doesn’t.
Edit: how can I do the math? Do you have any links…
Are you the same Blender Dumbass 2.0 ?
I am the same blenderdumbass as in and as in
well, you’re becoming famous :) … interesting articles you got there 😁
how can I do the math? Do you have any links… I documented the math I did on this article:
the answer is… it’s subjective, you just make up your own mind, and justify it with : it’s a necessity, may Allah forgive me 🥺👉👈
The answer is when you are in a death situation.
No wonder, though. It seems like you don’t even intend to learn facts about the religion you’ll believe in.
rookie mistake… they told me this when I was a kid but growing up and seeing things not working out as they promised… only then… I was able to see the contradiction
first of, if you’re a muslim, you’re not slick… this method ain’t gonna work… If you’re not a muslim STOP talking to me like you’re, this “ignorance signaling” trying to paint anyone who crtisizes Islam as ignorant and/or misinformed, while making it look like a misunderstood religion, vague due to its infinite wisdom and mindblowing secrets… Is all nothing but an old tactic that literally, Imams use every friday… that’s how they keep the masses brainwashed…
secondly, I have trouble talking to people who start discussions with personal attacks, let alone teaching them a thing or two
thirdly, sure I might be wrong on this one ( I’m not ), I don’t know everything there’s to know about Islam ( that applies to most people even the so called muslim scholars ), but I know enough to leave Islam and that’s what matters to me, I can give hundreds of reasons why… Invalidating my life choices including a choice that could leave me beheaded is so insulting on so many levels
secondly, I have trouble talking to people who start discussions with personal attacks, let alone teaching them a thing or two
Then stop talking. Are you looking for trouble, clown?
edit: too bad, he chickened out of discussion.
Muslim confirmed, block
On the other hand, they’ve blocked Xitter in Pakistan.
Muslim here can confirm this is wrong
What does the Islamic law say about mohemed raping a 9yo girl?
Asking for a friend…
Pedophilia is pretty common in organized religion, so probably not much. It’s in both the Quran and Bible. Idk about the Hindu faith, but Gandhi used to sleep nude with young girls, including family members, to test whether they got him hard or not, and he’s still adored by millions.
vpn bad, raping children good 🤡
And I am supposed to tolerate this?
Of course. Otherwise you’re racist, islamophobic, transphobic (you know, because of the trans-fat, i guess), republican, democrat, fascist, communist, ignorant, insensitive, probably a nazzi, certainly satanic, a lawyer, a doctor and a politician. Add to the list a conspiracy theorist and a nerd. But if you tolerate it, well, you’re tolerant, a great human being and an all-together great human being.
Fuck me, I need the to get the fuck off of this piece of shit planet.
There is still some common sense left in the world although it is not acceptable to have these opinions in polite company if you want to keep your job
So most people either accept it or just STFU. System is working as intended.
Exactly. And my wife wonders why I avoid people as much as possible, specially the normies in my family 🤮
Oh, well if you don’t, people say you’re a bad person. Despite religion being the driving force behind most of the evil that’s plagued the human race, we give it a free pass because most people are too scared to live life without the promise of something coming after.
I am a (very weird) christian, and I approve this message.
lmao, try stop me
Summary by brave leo :
- Pakistan’s top advisory body on religious affairs, the Council of Islamic Ideology, declared that using virtual private networks (VPNs) to access blocked content is against Islamic law.
- The government is pushing users to register VPNs with the state’s media regulator, ostensibly to enhance cybersecurity and fight terrorism, but critics say it increases online surveillance and curbs freedom of expression.
- The government claims VPNs are being used to access “immoral and porn websites” and to facilitate “violent activities and financial transactions” by terrorists.
- Opponents of the restrictions say the increased push to control online activities is aimed at curbing criticism of the Pakistani military.
- The government has announced a “streamlined” VPN registration process, but experts say it allows authorities to track online activities and limit privacy.
- The nationwide internet regulation tool acquired from China increases the Pakistani state’s capability to monitor communications, raising concerns about data breaches and online security.