The part about Media Segments sounds really interesting. Could it potentially work like in some streaming services, where you can just hit a button to skip a tv show intro? That would be amazing!!
Skip intro is being built into it natively so this is likely the groundwork for that
That is great news, skip intro is one of the items keeping me from leaving Plex.
That’s precisely the intent behind the feature.
That is the example they gave in the article…
Thanks! English is not my first language, just wanted to make sure I understood it correctly.
Uhh, that’s interesting, I miss that feature a lot, but the plugin is always out of date.
Mine updated automatically (podman with autoupdate enabled)
I hope the trickplay process don’t start again from the beginning! My media library is huge and my tinyclient server took about a week to generate all the thumbnails.
My daily trickplay task finished in 1 minute after the update. So apparently not.
Well they said that it should be much, much faster now, so even if it would restart it should be done within a few hours now :)
only if that feature wouldn’t have a massive memory leak… can’t update even to 10.9 because it crashes the whole system the first time it tries to rescan a library.
there’s an issue, and they have a hard time figuring out the problem.
Had a similar issue migrating to my new setup after I started scanning the new archive.
Try increasing your swap disk.
Mine was set at 1GB but increased it later to 8GB. No more freezes of the host.
renderD128 (Intel dgpu) couldn’t be added to the container (linuxserver image). Will take a look later, when I’m home, to find the issue. But may take your time for the update and don’t yolo it like I did :)
Might just be the media I was using, but every caption language loaded on screen and couldn’t be turned off after the update lol it was quite the book on screen
Jellyfin: Tower of Babel Edition
Would be nice if they made the ui usable without a mouse. Using this on console is basically unusable.
The client for Android TV works very nicely. Maybe there is a way to use the same UI on consoles?
The web/browser app really really sucks on console and JF doesn’t have clients for consoles :/
It’s one of the biggest things keeping me away. Xbone is my primary streaming device, and several of my users use xbone as well.