I haven’t really looked for obscure music before, and I’m not having any luck with my usual tv/movie/software sources. It’s “Scherzo No.1 in A Major from III trietti methodichie IlI sche… Jean-Pierre Rampal” (that’s what I could get out of Shazam. Obviously it’s cut off a bit)
It’s on YouTube, https://youtu.be/O_B0TNYWuLQ?
deleted by creator
Sweet, TY. Editing my comment.
Do my VPN and browser extensions help at all in obfuscating these data from the platform when I share a link?
If you use the adblocker uBlock Origin, enable these filter lists which strips URL tracking parameters.
⭐ Enable AdGuard URL Tracking Protection
⭐ Import Actually Legitimate URL Shortener Tool
- Check Import under Filter Lists > Custom
- Paste in this URL -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/LegitimateURLShortener.txt
- Click Apply ChangesI can’t use uBlock, but I have an extension that should accept these filters.