Plus if you drop anything in the bathroom and the lid is up it’s ending up in the toilet, learned that one morning when I was about to brush my teeth, that’s when I became a dedicated kid closer
dedicated kid closer
“Listen, I just know you’re going to love this play set; and what a deal you’re getting on it, too!”
Flushing after closing the lid is actually hygienic.
I always flush with the lid down. Keeps less in the air.
PSA: For maximum hygiene, close the lid BEFORE you flush.
But then how am I supposed to look at my poop swirling down the drain?
closes lid
Sits down
Shits on lid
Taking ‘Upper decker’ to the next level
Mythbusters found it makes no difference in the spread of fecal matter. Toilet lids aren’t perfect seals.
Do you have a source? I googled it and this site said that Mythbusters found the opposite - You should close your toilet lid before flushing&text=Mythbusters did an episode about,your bathroom%2C including your toothbrush.